Never hurt me?

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'Sticks and stones may break my bones

But words will never hurt me'

What an awful lesson

What a cruel tale,

Lies and words destroy me

They eat me from the inside out

And strike me at my weakest

Like the strongest fighter,

The sharpest sword

That slices through the meekest.

The words do hurt me

Should they really not?

Am I weak?

Am I useless?

I'm not sure I'm not.

They're throwing words

Never sticks and stones

I can't take it

It hurts me

They're breaking my bones.

A/N: This was going to be longer but I ran out of motivation and had a persistent friend so here you go.

A/N: This was going to be longer but I ran out of motivation and had a persistent friend so here you go

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Also I couldn't come up with a creative title, sorry.

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