Chapter 10

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Nancy's POV

Bertram and I made our way to Vincent Drug. The beginning of our walk was silent. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence. Even though it wasn't awkward, the silence was still a tad bit unsettling. Someone needed to speak. Thankfully, Bertram did exactly that. "So do you now know the way to Vincent's Drug?"
"Yeah, I think I could get there on my own now," I said. "But thank you for coming with me."
"Of course, but you should be thanking June. It was her idea," he replied.
I laughed. "Good point." The conversation died for a moment, but I quickly revived it. "Other than playing baseball, what do you guys do for fun?"
"Wow, that was harsh Nance," he pretended to be offended.
"Sorry, but all I did when I was here last summer was watch you guys play baseball. I mean, we went to the midsummer dance and that diner that one time," I giggled.
"You are right," he said. "There is a roller rink and a movie theater in town."
My interest was piqued. "A roller rink?"
Bertram nodded. "Yeah. You like roller-skating?"
"Yes! I love it!" I beamed.
"Are you good at it?" He asked.
I smiled softly. "I like to think I am." 
"Ah, I see. There is no one who can prove your roller-skating skills. I guess I'll just have to see them for myself," he was smiling now.
I beamed once again. "Are you suggesting we go there?"
"That's exactly what I am suggesting...if it is cool with you," he said. His voice and tone completely changed during those last few words. It sounded like he was searching for reassurance. 
"It's cool with me," I gave him the reassurance he was looking for.
"Okay great, you have anything going on tonight?" He asked in his new reassurance desiring tone.
I thought for a minute. "No, do you?"
"No. So do you want to go tonight? Maybe we can meet there at like 8pm?" He offered.
"Sounds good to me," I said with a huge smile. "Are we going to invite everyone?"
"We could," Bertram paused, "Or it could just be the two of us."
"I'm okay with that," I beamed for the third time.
"Okay...then I'll see you tonight," he said.
"Good," I started blushing. I was still beaming too, but that was apparently a new habit of mine.
"Good," Bertram repeated my own words. I smiled at him and we continued walking. We were at Vincent Drug now.

As we walked back to the sandlot, I couldn't stop thinking about tonight. Was it a date? Was it not a date? What even was a date? To me, it was kind of like a date. At the same time, I can see why it wouldn't be a date. I don't even know what a date was anymore.

I, and everyone else, left the sandlot at around 6pm. That gave me two hours to get ready for my possible date with Bertram. I was going to wear a dress or a skirt, but I decided against it. Those articles of clothing were not practical for roller-skating. I ended up wearing jeans and simple floral top. I kept my hair down, but I wore a headband to keep my hair out of my face.

I looked at myself in the mirror for the thousandth time.
"Do I look okay?" I asked June. She was sitting on her bed throwing a baseball in the air while I had my makeshift fashion show. I relayed to her everything that happened with Bertram. I explained everything aspect of the situation.
"You look beautiful," she said.
"Thank you," I replied. "Is this a date?"
"For the hundredth time Nancy, I don't know," she laughed. "I mean, I would call it a date. Then again, I could see why it wouldn't be a date."
"Yeah me too," I sat beside her on the bed.
"Don't think too much about it. Just act normal and have fun. Hang out with him like you normally would," June said. I looked at the clock and it read 7:30pm. My aunt told me it would take about twenty minutes to get to the roller rink. If I left now, I would get there ten minutes early. I wanted to get there early. A rule of thumb I live by, it is always good to be early.
"I guess I should head out,"  I stood up. 
June stopped throwing the baseball. "Alright, I'll see you later. Tell me everything when you get back!"
"I will," I said as I left our bedroom. I walked into the kitchen and found my aunt completely ready to leave. She was the one driving me to the roller rink. We immediately got in the car and started driving to the roller rink.

I was still questioning the romantic aspect of this outing. Was there a romantic aspect to it? I didn't know the answer, but I hoped it was yes.

Author's Note: Chapter 10!! This chapter is adorable!! That's it.
Also I had no idea that the store was just called "Vincent Drug". I thought it was called "Vincent's Drug Store" or something similar to that, but google proved me wrong lol 😂
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 😊❤️
As always, I proofread but if you see any typos please let me know! 👍

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