this has been annoying me so much recently, and it has been ever since, like, 2010.
if i take a picture of myself in a bra with a controller in my mouth, i'm considered a girl gamer.
if i spend hours on end screaming at the screen while trying to keep my spot in #7 assassin recovs overall, i'm considered a girl gamer.
there's a difference between a slut with a controller and a girl who plays.
i especially find it degrading when i see a twitter made by a gamer girl, then i start liking her and take a glance at her photos and see her practically shirtless with a set of headphones.
like, maybe you can be really friggin' good at video games, but for the sake of god, put on a some sweater.
you're like danny from bravest warriors when he was young. nipples on full show. literally.
and yeah, i understand some men find it hot. like, if it turns you on, good for you! but don't think all girl gamers are like that, some actually don't wear tank-tops when gaming.
i use my gaming skills to try and play, i don't use my feminine body to try and play. and if you have a problem with that, screw you.