Chapter 1

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| ~ The Breakout ~ |

Ugh. What happened? Where am I? Oh wait. I remember now. I got kidnapped by the government for supposed terrorism. Jeez how much dumber can humans get?

Meliodas managed to open his eyes to see he was in some kind of metal containment. He noticed that he was strapped down and he didn't have his shirt on. He was willing to bet that scientists got curious and ran experiments on him while he was under. For how long he didn't know.

It was chaos all around him. People were running, some breaking out of the same containments Meliodas was in. He saw one guy in a blue and white suit with specially made gloves and boots. He had a long black beard with grey streaks in it. He was also floating.

Once the ringing in his ears dimmed, Meliodas started to break out of his confinements. Once he got out he saw the man that was floating leave in a fit of rage while other people were running out of their containments like crazy.

Meliodas put a hand up to his head and noticed that his hair had grown longer, it reached down to his upper back. He grabbed his blond locks and looked at it in shock. Just how long had he been here? Based on how long his hair was it was probably safe to assume he's been here for a couple years at least. That just reminded him of Ban when he first met him and from when he reunited with him back at Baste Prison. Meliodas smiled at the memory of his best friend, but quickly refocused and started running towards a large hole in the wall. He noticed that he didn't have his shoes on, and that he was only wearing loose black pants.

Once he got outside he covered his eyes to keep the sudden sunlight from blinding him. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw that he was just off the coast of New York. He noticed the Helicarrier had crashed into the water.

"What the hell happened?" He muttered.


Meliodas looked up to find the floating guy screaming for Fury.

Fury's the guy that kidnapped me. Meliodas thought. So he's the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., lucky me.

Meliodas saw how vengeful the man was. He took note that he was controlling gravity which was very bad for a lot of people. He didn't want anyone to get hurt to he thought it would be in his best interest to help stop this guy. He tried to take out his dark wings but that was proving to be difficult. Whether it was because of the drugs or the amount of time he's been sleep for he didn't know. Hell it could've been both. After a few more tries Meliodas was finally able to summon his wings, then he took off into the air, going right for the man that was controlling the gravity that caused all kinds of destruction.

When Meliodas got close enough he used his Hellblaze to hit the man in the back, successfully distracting him from his destructive rampage. When he turned around to face his attacker, he came face to face with Meliodas who had a taunting smirk on his face and his arms crossed.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you to play nice with others?" The blond mocked.

"You." The man glared. "You were imprisoned just like me. Why are you trying to stop me? Fury took years off of our lives! He deserves to get a taste of his own medicine!"

"Oh boy." Meliodas rubbed the back of his head as he crossed his legs as if he were sitting down. "You're really hellbent on revenge aren't you? Sorry but I'm not gonna let you take other peoples lives with your little temper tantrum just for revenge."

"Then I won't hesitate to crush you."

Next thing Meliodas knew he felt like he was being crushed. He winced when he heard some of his bones starting to break.

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