Is he nice or not?

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6 month later
The sophomore girl don't want to crush on the junior boy because she know her heart will be broken. "Of course he is a junior boy and he is super cute every girl must be at his feet waiting in line to be his girlfriend" she think to herself

Anna's friends try to cheer her up by telling her he never had a girlfriend and if he doesn't see how beautiful she is he doesn't deserve her.... but Anna is convinced nothing will ever happen.
Until 3rd March Anna  was packing her school bag and junior boy came up to her and they talked for a quite long time....
-hum.. hey! replied Anna
-how you doin?
(Friends reference 😉)
-hum fine actually how about you,said Anna as red as a tomato.
-I'm fine too, he said with a smirk
And they start talk about their favorite classes and hobbies they have.
-wait, Sam said. You don't like English class?
-no! These written production make my acne go wild, the girl replied jokingly.
-nah your skin looks perfectly fine, but math on the other hand ,urgh it a nightmare
-well it's actually not that hard it's logical
-are you saying I'm illogical?!
-NO !!! Omg no I would never say that.
-haha I'm just kidding,he said laughing
"How I never realized how nice and smart he was I spend so much  time trying to know him I didn't even realize the essential how beautiful he was on the inside, maybe my friends were right he might won't hurt me" she think to herself
-hey kids it's your last change to take the bus hurry up! Said the supervisor
-omg lets go! Sam said
They both run to their bus and right before Anna goes in her bus Sam scream;
-see ya tomorrow Anna!
-see ya!
During the ride home Anna couldn't stop smiling. Her little brother even ask her if she took anything,
-no!haha I'm just really happy can't wait to comme back tomorrow
-hum hum you definitely took something normally you don't like school
-Well people change...
*the next day*
Anna woke up early so she'd be sure to be ready to see Sam. When she arrived at school she went to see angel but she didn't care
-you are the first to say that I should go talk to him but when he come you don't care you ignore me like you're.... are you jealous!?
-no! Why would I be jealous.. anyways I don't know if I told you but I met someone and he is so handsome...
-yeah.. his name is Oliver right.. answered Anna sad because she know damn well that they are gonna talk about angel and not about her for once
-no I don't think he is the one so I gosted him
-his name is Connor he is a stoner boy
-oh ok
-why this face? Ask angel
-well stoner boy aren't really my type but it's fine,answered Anna
Angel show Anna a picture of Connor, Anna stay convince stoner boy aren't her type.
Anna and her friends are going to their classes but Sam's friends are stopping them
-what ?! Ask Marie , why can't we pass
-I need to know if you all are going to the fashion show,ask Sam best friend (Phil)
-I'm a part of the fashion show so can I go to my class now,said sassily Marie
-yes princess,replied sarcastically Phil
-no but for real are you going to the fashion show? Ask Sam
-yes I already brought my tickets ,replied Anna
-this year is gonna be the best fashion show you'll ever see!
-why's that?
-I'm going to parade in a swimsuit
-ouhhh can't wait
Anna and her friends and the junior boys talk for a little while until they all realize they are late to class
-that's unfair all I do is make you late everywhere,said Sam as a joke
-haha it's fine I'm  in English so I don't really care.
-see ya after class darling
-yes,said Anna blushing

*sam pdv*

-another one at your feet bro!!,said Phil as soon as they were sure the girl couldn't  hear them
-don't tell me you caught feelings bro that a girl thing
-NO!! I don't want to play your little f-boy game anymore I already have the f-boy reputation because I play hockey and I'm one of the "popular boy" but it's enough I want to fall in love, don't you think like me?
-don't you have a heart or you are still mad because your ex left you for one of your friends and you are STILL NOT over it.
-omg you mister I-Have-No-Heart does have one but you play the cold hearted b*tch because you are not over h...
Sam didn't finish his sentence, Phil punched him. Sam replied with another punch...
The two girls didn't heard any of this because they were in class, but when the class ended Anna was looking for Sam until her Damien told her...

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