Older brother

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-hey!*snap fingers*
-WHAT!,said Anna
-woh relax it's me Luke you remember me?
-yeah duh
-your mother used to take care of me at day care
-yes I know, I remember, she said laughing
-yeah well I was wondering do you still leave near the old restaurant?
-yes.. wait how do you know and why you ask?
-I leave near and I need a ride home, he said begging her
-ugh fine be ready at 4,she said
-thanks you are the best,
-DONT be late
-don't worry
Anna's friends are all freaked out because Luke is older and he is talking to Anna. Anna don't really care because when they were younger they always said they were sister and brother even though they are not related.
Some times later it became a tradition every week Anna and Luke were walking home. He was protecting her like she was his sister and even present her like it to one of his friends who was a little too flirty.
One day after leaving the gymnasium Marie, Anna, Ariane and angel saw Phil slap Sam's butt as a joke
-uh what did you do that for!
Ariane did the same exact to Anna.
-ow that hurt, Anna said laughing
-I couldn't resist, I mean look at that, she said pointing Anna's but
All the boy (Sams friend) look at Anna's butt
-GUY!!, said Luke
-umm yea, said Ethan,one of the boy , clearly distracted
Anna turn red when she realized they are looking at her but
-hold on he is your brother?! Sam ask a bit freaked out
-yes...no! We are not related,answered Anna
-oh fuck,Sam said to himself
/Sam POV/
"Holy shit he is her brother, not related but they are... he said not to date her sister I thought he was talking about summer not Anna darn it"Sam think to himself.
One day Sam and the boy were walking down the stairs and Sam realized Anna and her friends were right in front
-is he your boyfriend or?anna asked angel
-no he is just my hookup plan,she answered
Sam is shocked the girl is younger than him and say things like that, he hope Anna isn't like that
-you should try it some time, pick a guy and just hookup,Angel propose Anna
-umm I'm fine,she responded
-UHG! You are such a NUN,angel almost screamed
Anna looked at her in shock.
-I can take care of that, said Alexander, one of Sam friends, with a smirk 😏
-DONT YOU DARE, said Luke
-NO,shout Sam at the same time
Anna just run down the stairs in shame because of what angel said Sam try to follow her but Anna is too fast.
Heyy! Hope you like the story so far
I planned some drama for the next chapters.
Do you think Sam will listen to the rule Luke made to not date his sisters?

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