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Friday 13th March

-omg girl I cant believe today is the day!!!!!almost screamed Marie
-I know it's tonight in exactly 4 hours I'm freaking out, replied Anna
-hey girls I have a question, said Ariane,Marie's best friends
-yes what's up, said Anna
-I know Marie is doing the fashion show and I wanna see her parade but I don't want to go alone
-it's fine come with me...shoot Angel is coming this way
-isn't she your friend,asked Ariane
-we got into a argument
-ANNA!!!!! Said Angel
-yes ,replied Anna
-what are you doing with..them , she said disgusted
-they are my friends, do you need help or?ask Anna even though she didn't want to help because she is still mad at her
-no I'm going to class are you coming,reply angel
-yeah give me a minute, answered Anna
Ariane and Anna exchange number so they can text eachother for tonight. Anna start to walk up the stairs and a cute bodyguard boy comes in front of her
-hey darling
-you still coming tonight right
-yes of course I wouldn't miss it
-perfect see ya
-see ya
Anna arrive at her class and is super excited for tonight.
Half way through her class angel ask to go get something in her locker the teacher give her a hall pass and let her leave.10 minutes later angel come back and have a big smile on her face. Anna is worried what did she do again.
-why are you smiling like that?
-that is suspicious
At the end of the class everyone is super excited and the teacher too because it's the fashion in less than a hour. Anna and Ariane are getting ready in the bathroom at Anna's house( she live near the school) they are FaceTiming Marie because she is really stressed. They get there half a hours before the show start. 20 minutes before the show they are opening the doors and then everyone get a text from the government:

All activity; Sports,Clubs and school is cancelled due to the coronavirus. To prevent the risk of getting infected we will ask everyone to quarantine for two weeks. The government will tell the school when kids can comeback, from now on we will ask teenagers and kids not to see their friends.

-they can't do that,said Ariane
-they just did, said Anna
-WE NEED TO ASK EVERYONE TO LEAVE,THE FASHION SHOW IS CANCELLED,said the bodyguard who opened the door a second ago.
Anna and Ariane are leaving and they are so sad because they can't see their friends anymore.
Anna's parent who just dropped them at school didn't had the time to leave the parking lot they just turned around and bring the two girls home.
Sam pov
-wait WHAT !!
-Sam it's over, said Alisha,Marie's cousin
-NO I don't want to, we practice every weeks to be perfect and now they just snap their fingers and it's all gone.he said angrily
-Phil almost forced you to come why you care, alisha said
Sam almost run to see Anna outside the backstages but he is too late she left. When Sam come back backstages he see Alisha crying and falling on her knees. He want to go see her but he see Marie is already hugging her, he feel so bad he just leave.
Ok I know this chapter is a bit short but I want to know what y'all think about it and if you want something to happen in the next chapters
🐒 💕

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