1: Where Did I Go Wrong?

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Sollux's POV:

"Hurry up S0llux!"
"IIm tryiing!"
"They're g0nna c0me!"
"II know.. Ju2t a couple more thiing2!" I quickly typed at the computer.

My name is Sollux. The one yelling at me is my sister Aradia. Well, she's adopted... But to me, she's truly my family...
Our parents died when we were young....we've had to survive for ourselves when they passed.

Most of the time I hacked into the bank to get money for us. I know it's wrong but I promised my mom and dad I wouldn't let her starve.
Aradia quickly agreed to the idea of robbing. It surprised me a bit. I was going to suggest other things but she wanted to

Right now we are both 9 sweeps.
Or 18 earth years. We live on Earth in my parents old house.
Right now....I'm hacking the bank system.

"S0llux! C0me 0n!"
"AA IIm goiing a2 fa2t a2 II can!" I yelled back.
I was done with robbing. I know it's wrong so why am I doing it?

"II got iit." I said.
AA quickly pushed me away to put in our parents credit card numbers.
I heard a beep signaling money had been successfully put in.
"Yes!" She whispered.

"There they are!" I heard a voice.
I looked behind me to see a group of police men and women.
They had flashlights on us.
"2hiit!" I grabbed AA's arm and I pulled her to the roof we came in from.
"Don't let them get away!" I heard one of the police men yell. We climbed through the vents.

"Hehe! Wh00! This is fun!" Aa yelled.
I was starting to get a bit creeped out by her. It seemed like she wasn't aware that our lives could be put in prison.
Ever since we started this as our living routine she's not the same. She's so careless. I brought up the idea of stopping this but she refused.

What's wrong with her?

We made it back to the alley we came from. We jumped out and started running.
"C0me 0n s0llux!" She smiled.
I ran as fast as I could. I saw the flashlights again. They were chasing us.

"This is officer Enriquez, were gonna need some back up towards Sycamore street." I heard an officer say into his walkie talkie...I think.

"Copy that. On the way" I heard a static voice say.

"I can't believe we did that!" Aradia said happily.

"Were never doiing thii2 agaiin AA!" I yelled at her scared.
"What? N0!" She screamed back. I growled then I heard a gun shot.

"Are they sh00ting at us?"
"Ye2! Hurry up!" I yelled. We turned the corner and we started running down the street of our block.
I heard another shot. It hit AA. She fell to the ground.

"AA!" I crouched down to her trying to pick her up.
"N0! S0llux!" She pushed me away.
"AA, we gotta go!"
She gave me the bag carrying everything we stole.

"S0llux, they sh0t me bad." She giggled. What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing?
"AA you need to get out of here-"
"..I'm d0ne. G0!"
"IIm not leaviing you! II made a promii2e two mom and dad-"
"M0m and dad are dead! G0!" She slapped my face. I fell back. I looked at her full of horror.

"I didn't mean that....just g0 S0llux...." She closed her eyes. I started to cry and I stood up.

"Girls down!" An officer shouted.
I couldn't feel my feet move. Before I knew it I was running away.

"IIm 2orry AA...." I cried to myself as I ran. It was only a few more streets until I reached my house.

I turned the next corner. I kept running. The cops were a good distance behind. I started to feel like I was going to be okay until I felt a gunshot go through my arm.

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