Small spaces

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Please forgive me that I Haven't updated this in so long! School work is kicking my butt ;-;
"Soina this isn't necessary-" "Gundam he's not coming out of that stupid closet case you insulted him. Please..." the two boys earlier had gotten into a fight. It ended up with Gundam saying 'if you can fix cars so much how about you fix yourself'. Kazuichi wasn't very good with insults, he changed himself for people he wanted his existence to be normalized. As Gundam saw his cabin he remembered how he would feel. No one ever likes to be called names, but he really started it. But he never should have said anything back...he walked up the creaky stairs, and there he was. In front of the door separating the two. "Sou-" "go away...whoever you are leave. I'm not dealing with anyone's bull right now."

Gundam's POV

He really is mad isn't he? God why am I so inconsistent...he's not any different though. Yeah...he was just as cruel as me in that conversation. I knocked softly. I'm guessing he was tired. He started to cry once that stupid comment I spat...maybe he forgot to lock- yes he did. He's Souda...I can't expect anything else..his cabin is sure messy. There's car parts everywhere, and there. That stupid closet that most likely has a crying pink haired boy..I walked as softly as I could to not make a noise. I took the left doorknob with my hand. As I open the door I was right. He's upset..."why are you here...I get it. I'm annoying and need to change myself. You don't have to be a d*ck and remind me of it. Leave me alone please..." I softly bit my bottom lip, I feel horrible... I enter the closet myself and sit on the other side. He had his knees in his chest and his arms were on top, his head laying on them. He wasn't looking at me, surprise surprise. "Listen...I'm really sorry." He sniffed softly before making eye contact with me for only a quick second, then looking away. "Why are you don't need to be here. And I know you don't want to be here. So why not leave..." I inhale and exhale slowly "please, forgive was immature of me to say such. I apologize." He looked up at me, since it was light outside, but also getting dark. It made some parts of his face have a soft orange tint. "I'm sorry to. Please..forgive me." "It's fine...don't worry about it." I felt my body getting closer to him. "Say...can we please NOT fight anymore, it hurts...BOTH of us really.." I could tell he was being serious. He was quite sensitive so I can see why he would want to stop this grumbling, " Tell me about, start conversation? I apologize I don't know how to start something because of...okay listen I know I've said this before but I am so sorry.." "don't worry about it. Please." He smiled at me before sighing and putting his head on my shoulder, god I'm getting hot. "There you are!" A sudden burst came into the silence that we were once having, the light made it so we couldn't see who it was, but eventually our eyes adjusted to the light. "Hajime what do you want?" Souda seemed a bit annoyed, he looked tired. So maybe it was a bad idea for Hajime to come here, "it's time to eat! We've been looking for you both for 20 minutes!! We thought you were dead!" It's only been 20 minutes? It's felt like hours... "oh we're fine don't worry...we' there in a second, don't worry about it." I softly smile to try and lighten up the mood "oh..okay, just be there soon okay?" I nod and look back at Souda, his eyes were fluttering. He is tired... Before I know it Hajime nods and leaves. "Guessing your tired..?" I smile softly "I'm not gonna eat.." "ah-ah-ah. Your eating, I'll bring it to dose that sound?" He softly giggled, "I'd...I'd like that a lot..that's really sweet of you.." He's so cute at some's overwhelming.."Okay now you get into bed and I'll bring whatever was made, alright?" He nods and slowly falls into bed I chuckle softly, "Wait..can you come here for a sec?" I close the small part of the door that was exposed. Turning  my body towards him, he quickly stood up and inhaled his breath and then slowly released, I felt a quick kiss placed on my lips and then felt my body be shoved out of his cabin..

He kissed me?

And that's a rap! Have a lovely day or night 🥺💛🌻

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