Chaper 10 - The Wrong End Of The Stick

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We arrive at work together at exactly 3 o'clock. The car journey was awkward. I exit the car as quickly as I can and pratically sprint into the building. The tension between me and Charlie is uncomfortable. He confuses me so, and a part of just wants to grab him and never let him go. But I don't trust myself enough to do that.

I reach my desk, and sit down. I rest my head on the oak desk. I rub my eyes and look down at the desk. There is a note, and a small file lying underneath it. I ignore the files and reach for the note. It's in Sarah's handwriting. I groan as I read it.

'Emily, I know you are a little shook up about last night, so I will not be placing you in dangerous situations like that again for a week. I also know that you and Charlie are together and that you were busy last night, but please, keep it at home. I don't want to walk in on you two in a closet, okay sweetie? Love, Sarah x'

I slowly place my head on the desk and gently bang my head off it. She has the wrong end of the stick, and a blush creeps onto my cheeks. I sit up and  pinch the bridge of my nose, leaning on the desk, and sigh. I will have to explain. That is one of the things I hate about Sarah. She jumps to awkward conclusions.

I sit up and deside I should better read the file. I read it, and realise all I have to do next Wednesday is drop off a letter. Huh. I haven't done this since I started, back when I was twelve. Memories fill my mind and I smile to myself, shaking my head as I do so. Oh how I wish everything was as simple as it was back then. I place my hands over my eyes and lean into the desk again groaning as I realise that I will have to have an awkward conversation  with Sarah.

I hear someone come up behind me, so I turn to face them. I pray it is not Sarah or Charlie, I want to  put off seeing them as long as possible. It is Joe, and I jump up to give him a hug. Joe is like my brother, and I knew he would come to make sure I was safe after my encounter with Eric. He wraps his arms around me and I sigh. I begin to ponder why I don't act weird when I see Joe, yet in Charlie's presence I go all girlish. He says my name which startles me out of my thoughts.

"Emily!" Joe cries. "I've been worried sick, how are you?"

I lean back so I can see his face, and see concern looking back at me. I frown. "I'm fine," I reply, confusion sweeping over me. "It was a shock to see him there after the last time, but I did what I had to do."

"Thank god you're okay!" he sighs in relief, pulling me back into his warm embrace. I pull away after a few seconds, feeling uncomfortable. he is acting strangley, almost tense like he wants to say something but is scared of my reaction. I push it out of my mind telling myself it's nothing. I want a coffee, so we head to the small kitchenette. He explains to me that he and Joseph will be taking over what Sarah had planned for me over the week, and I sigh in relief. At least Joe knows how not to get himself hurt. I also sigh in relief because after he tells me what he will be doing, I realise how I would not have been able to cope in that situation.

We reach the kitchenette, and I see Charlie and Sarah there. Charlie's face is crimson, and I have an idea what Sarah is stating to him. I feel sorry for him yet know as soon as she sees me she will want to say the same thing to me too. I exhale loudly which makes Charlie look up. He sees me, which makes Sarah turn around to see who he is looking at. I mentally curse myself for the sigh.

I look at Charlie, and the blush gets darker on his face. I guess I had been correct about what she was saying to him. Sarah just smiles at me. I silently beg for her not to state what had been said in the note. She is so blunt at times that it just makes everything so awkward. I know it's coming however, and I brace myself.

"Emily! I need to have a chat with you too," I inwardly groan. Not here, I say over and over in my head. If we are somewhere else, it wont be so bad. Well, that is what I tell myself.

"Emily, I will make you a coffee whilst you and Sarah go and have a chat elsewhere," I smile at Joe and agree, so Sarah has no choice but to follow me down the hall to a spare office. I silently thank Joe as I walk away down the hall.

"Honey, did you read the note?" she asks. I nod. "Good. I meant what I said about you and Charlie. Keep it at home."

"But Sarah, we never did anything!" I tell her, fighting away a blush. I lose the battle and the blush wins, creeping onto my face. She looks at my flaming cheeks and instanly thinks that I am lying. I can tell by the expression on her face what she is thinking.

"Of course sweetie, I know how much you two like each other so don't be afraid to admit it," she state. I shake my head at her, and she sighs. She really doesn't believe me. This frustrates me and I hold back yell. I pinch the bridge of my nose to try and stop myself from getting too worked up. "Lets go back to Joe and Charlie then."

We arrive back at the kitchen, and I see that Joe looks angry, and Charlie looks guilty. I ask Joe what happened. He throws one last angry glare toward Charlie, then he looks at me. His expression sofetns only slightly.

"I was just telling him that he better treat you perfectly or else I will rip his head off," he growls, the anger getting the better of him. I have never seen Joe act like this, and it scares me a little. "If I find out he's just using you for sex, I swear to god-"

The blush on my face is prominent, and I feel tears rising to my eyes. Charlie isn't like that! Why can no-one seem to understand?

"But Joe, we haven't!" I blurt, feeling the tears close to falling. Why is everyone thinking that we had!? The must know I'm not like that! Joe must know I'm not like that!

"Sure. But if I find out otherwise..." he states before storming off. The fact that he seems to be very angry with me makes me sob in despair. What have I done?

The tears began to roll down my cheeks as I glance at Charlie who looks mortified. A loud sob wracks my body and I turn and run, out of the building and down to a small park about a half a mile from work. I sit on a swing and cry, wishing that I hadn't met Charlie at all. The sobs come deep from within me, and soon I am having flashbacks.

I fall off the swing to the ground and my body shakes. I gain control and manage to push myself upwards. That is when I vomit. After I seem to be done, I stand slowly and make my way back to the swing, still letting the tears fall.

It is a while before I move again.


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