SHIVER - The End of The Road

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I gasp loudly and turn my head. A cold chill swoops over me and I shiver. I hear my breath and it comes out shaky.

I need to hide.

A corner approaches me as I creep forward, heading for the shadows. I press my back to the wall, glad that the black catsuit hides me, glad that the corridors in this vast house are so dark.

I already feel like I'm being watched.

I cautiously peer around the corner to see what obstacle lies in my way. I see nothing but darkness, so I continue on. The path is long and it has many turns, so I never know what is around the corner. 

A loud bang startles me, making me jump, and I hold back a scream by slamming my hand over my mouth. If it's who I think it is, then I cannot let them find my whereabouts. I must keep going.

I begin to jog forward, panic taking over. What if...? No. I can't think like that, but panic still bubbles away inside me. My breaths come out raspy and I shake all over. I need to get away. The corridor seems to go on forever, like a mirage in a hot desert.

I finally reach the end of the long corridor and find a door. I hesitate, my chest heaving up and down. Why do I feel like I shouldn't enter? What if this is just a trap? My instincts tell me it is, and I debate whether or not to enter the door, my hand resting on the cool metal handle. The cold of the metal makes me feel numb, and I forget where I am for a split second.

Another loud bang brings back my senses and I yank the door open, taking a risk. I rush into the room and rest my forhead on the door, taking deep breaths. I don't have any other options at this current moment, and I feel like I'm not alone out there in the open. Then again, I feel like I'm not alone in here. I'm still facing the door when I feel a prickle up the nape of neck, my early warning signal. I know I'm in danger.

As I turn, I realise I was correct.

The next thing I hear is a loud piercing scream that is coming from me...


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