Chapter One

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"What do you mean you're marrying Draco Malfoy?" George practically yells at his best friend. She looks down at her hands, trying to hide the emotions that swarm her face.

"I--Mum and dad decided it was a good match--"

"A good match? (y/n) he was a Death Eater. His whole family was Death Eaters." He wants to reach out and shake her... shake the idea out of her head. She can't marry that...

"I didn't decide this, George! I don't know why you're acting like this was my idea!"

"Can't you stop it? This can't be legal..." You can't marry him...I love you...

"I know your family doesn't--doesn't do pureblood things like this, but It's completely legal."

He takes her hand in his when a few tears drip from her eyes, "Hey...Is there no way?"

"I don't know, George." Her lip trembles. This is nothing like the (y/n) he knows. She never cries in front of people, even him. He can't lose her. She's the only thing that kept him sane after...after the final battle. There is no way he's losing her to Malfoy of all people.

"Could--What if I asked your parents--"

"Asked them what?" She frowns at him. He feels his neck heat up.

"What if I asked them to uh--marry you instead."

Her eyes widen, "What?"

"I'm just as much of a pureblood as any Malfoy. Could I convince them to choose me instead?"

(y/n) blinks at him, "you would do that for me?" If he would've known her parents would do this, he would've done it sooner. Hell, he would've confessed his feelings ages ago if he had known her parents would set her up with Malfoy. He's been in love with her since fifth year. The thought of confessing his growing love in school had more than once come to mind, but with the war and the uncertainty for the future... It just never was the right time. What a cowardly excuse.

"I would do anything for you."

"George..." she pulls her hand away from his, "I don't want you to throw away your future for me." You're who I see when I think of the future.

"I wouldn't be. I swear. You'd be happy... We would be happy . A lot happier than you and Malfoy would, I guarantee it."

Chuckling, she wipes her eyes, "You can try--"

He pulls her into his arms, holding her close to her chest, "I'll make them see reason. I know I'm not as wealthy as Malfoy, but I swear I can convince them. You wouldn't be as--uh comfortable, as maybe you would've been with Malfoy, but Merlin, I will work harder--"

She laughs, moving away from his chest to cup his jaw in her hands, "I don't care about all of that. Having just a little with someone you enjoy spending time will always mean more than being with someone who can give you all the gold and diamonds in Gringotts but is bad company." She swipes her finger across his cheekbone. The pause between them is comfortable. Her eyes flicker down to his lips for a brief moment. That's the sign...She wants to kiss me-- he almost grants the silent wish, but the moment is broken by a loud crash from outside.

"What was that?" she asks, moving back to look out the window.

"Dunno. Sounds like it came from dad's shed."

(y/n) surveys the room for a moment, "I probably should get home..."

"Owl me when I can speak to your parents. I promise I'll sort this out. I won't let them do this to you (y/n), I promise." He again clasps her hand in his. They have to see reason.

(y/n) looks down at their hands for a moment. Her eyes drag up back to his soft brown ones, a soft smile slowly spreading across her pretty face.

"Thank you. I hope--I hope they will agree."

I do too. I could never love anyone but you... And maybe, you could love me too?

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