Chapter Four

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(y/n)'s father insists on fetching one of his best champagnes to celebrate.

"It's nothing. It's not every day your daughter gets engaged." He pops the cork, pouring the little flutes for the four of them. The liquid is a rich golden color, small bubbles seemingly iridescent thanks to the charm on the champagne. He has his arm lightly wrapped around (y/n)'s waist as they sip the contents of their glasses. An hour passes by with light small talk as his future in-laws get to know him better.

"Mum, Dad," (y/n) addresses her parents, looking up at him for a second, "I was wondering if I could pop out to tell the Weasley's family about the engagement." Her parents give each other a look.

"Of course darling. Be safe and George dear," (y/n)'s mother looks at him, "Say hello to your mother for me."

"Of course, Missus (y/l/n)."

"Please, call me mum. You'll be family soon enough." His neck heats up. Family.

When they duck out of (y/n)'s house, he pulls her towards her family's gardens. It's lit up with little balls of light that dance across the water in the fountain, reflecting over the grasses and closed flowers.

She laughs, but lets him move them towards a dimly lit up tree, "What're you doing?"

"Well," he suddenly gets a bit nervous, "I know we're already saying we're engaged and all... but I don't think that's official enough."

"You don't have to--"

"Nonsense. I want to." He pulls out the little red box, debating if he should get on one knee or-- It should be proper. Kneeling, he tries to find the words. Now is a better time than any he supposes, "I have to uh--tell you something (y/n)."

"Yes?" her eyes are wide as she waits for his words.

"This is embarrassing, but Merlin...I've been in love with you since we were in school."


"Yes I," he chuckles, "I have loved you for so long, and when you told me you had to marry that prat... I couldn't let that happen (y/n)."

"You love me?" She asks dumbly.

"I do. So much, love--" she throws herself at him.

"I love you too. I didn't think you felt the same way...I thought you thought of me as only a friend and-- I thought you only agreed to marry me because of Draco...Merlin, we have wasted so much time, George."

"Do you know how mad Fred would be if he were here? He was so sick of me following you around like a lovesick puppy...and if he knew you felt the same way--"

"Fred did know," she cups his face in her hands, "He always knew. I told him a few months before the final--before--" She chokes on the words. They were hard for him to form, as well.

"Oh," he grins, "I wish he were here (y/n). But also, I'd get a never-ending amount of 'I told you so's If he was."

"I wish he were here too, Georgie. I miss him so much." She pulls him tighter against her body. He breathes in the scent of her hair as he hugs her. Eventually, they pull away from one another, and he remembers he hasn't asked her.

"You distracted me! As I was saying--" he grins, "I love you (y/n) (y/l/n), and with your permission and your parent's blessing...Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will," she again throws herself into his arms.

"Lemme put the ring on your hand, and then you can tackle me." She steps back again, smiling sheepishly. He opens the velvet box. The ring isn't something phenomenal; it's rather small. Suddenly he feels self-conscious about the stone. "I know it's nothing flashy--"

"It's perfect. I love it." She holds her hand out for him to slide the little silver ring on her ring finger. She holds the little ring up against the moonlight, examining the small diamond, her dazzling smile on full view. "Honestly, it's perfect."

His face feels hot, but her words make him feel better, "I can get you something nicer someday?" he offers.

She frowns, "What? No. I want this ring, George. I don't care about the price tag, silly."

"You sure?"

"Positive." she drops her hand, looking at him nervously, "Can I ask for something, though?"


"Will you--uh--" she suddenly seems interested in the ring again, "Can I kiss you?" The tips of his ears burn at her request. He can't find words suddenly, so he nods stupidly.

(y/n) steps closer, reaching her hand out to his cheek. The moment seems to go in slow motion, she's reaching up, and he's filling the space that she can't reach. For a moment, they pause, her nose brushing against his as they're locked in the glow of this moment before they take the plunge. Her lips are soft against his as they share their first kiss. The build-up from waiting for years to know her lips is worth every second of waiting. Every moment wondering has been dissolved, and every fantasy he's had about kissing her seems silly compared to the real thing.

(y/n) slightly pulls away, his face follows closely with her movement causing her to giggle before pressing another quick kiss to his lips.

"We should probably get to the Burrow before it gets too late," she whispers, pushing a stray piece of hair from his forehead.

"They can wait," he chases her lips once again.

"George!" she laughs but still lets him kiss her again, "c'mon. I need your parents to like me."

He rolls his eyes, "You know they already do."

"I do," she grins.

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