Chapter Two

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I haven't said anything to my parents...but I was able to get you a spot at dinner tonight. Owl me back as soon as possible if you're available tonight. If you have plans, I think it would be best to try and re-arrange them. My parents can be... a lot, and now that they expect you, I would think it wise to make it happen in your schedule if we want our scheme to work.


He rereads the letter for the one-hundredth time. Luckily, he didn't have any plans this particular night, but he did need to freshen up if he's going to see (y/n)'s parents. They were truly decent people, but they were a bit more old fashioned than his own parents. Hopefully, if they were unimpressed by his choice in profession, they'd be impressed by how he presented himself. He'd convince them, he had to.

Setting the letter down on the shop's countertop, he turns towards his employee Oswald. "Do you mind closing up the shop tonight? I just got an Owl from (y/n) for dinner plans with her parents."

Oswald smiles knowingly. He had seen the small ring in the velvet box when George admired it earlier when he thought he wasn't being observed. "Sure thing, boss. I wasn't aware you and miss (y/l/n) were dating."

George flushes to the roots of his orange hair, "We're uh--actually not. It's a long story, Os. If everything goes well tonight, I'll be happy to retell it. Thank you, see you tomorrow morning." With that, he apparates home to the Burrow.

His mother is sitting at the large dinner table, reading a short novel. The paperback's cover is worn at the corners displaying how well-loved the novel was. Molly looks up from under her crescent-moon shaped reading glasses, "George? You're home early, dear."

"I got an Owl from (y/n). Her parents want me to come over for dinner, and you know I'm charming mum... But not all the charm in the world is going to make this outfit," he gestures at his clothing, grinning widely, "appropriate for dinner with the (y/l/n) 's." Molly knew of his plan. He had broken down and confessed everything to her the night (y/n) came over to tell him she was marrying Draco. Even if she thought him deciding to just marry (y/n) in Draco's place was surprising, she knew it was what George wanted. She had known for quite awhile her son was mad for the girl, and she was quite pleased she could be part of the family soon.

"Probably a wise decision, dear. Maybe run the outfit by me before you leave, just in case."

George chuckles, "Am I really that hopeless when it comes to dressing myself?"

"They're a very particular, old fashioned pureblood family, Georgie. They're going to expect something particular from a prospective son-in-law." His smile fades.

"I know that. I just hope I can--"

Molly interrupts, "Don't worry too much about everything. I'm sure the (y/l/n)'s want what's best for their daughter. You, (y/n), and I know that it is not a Malfoy, dear."

"I just love her so much, mum," he sits down next to her.

"I know that dear. I know that once (y/n) 's parents see that they'll agree, and we'll have a wedding to plan." How odd to think that in just a few short days, his life had changed so drastically. If everything went according to plan, he'd be engaged by dinner. Engaged to the woman he'd pined after since they were in school together.

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