Chapter Eleven

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"Get up!" Molly's voice rings through his small bedroom. George groans, moving his pillow over his head.

"George Fabian Weasley!" She pulls the pillow away from him, "You have to get up, dear."

"Five more minutes," he reaches blindly for the pillow.

"You have to go help your father set up the tent." she begins to open the blinds.

"Mum, that's too bright..."

"Good. Get up. We have a tight schedule today."

Finally, it hits him. He's getting married today. Grinning, he rubs his tired eyes. Getting dressed in plain clothing, he saunters down the staircase to the kitchen where the rest of his family is eating.

"Morning," he takes the mug Ginny offers him.

"Morning," Charlie greets him, "ready for today?"

George takes a sip of the warm liquid, setting it down on the counter, "Yup."


Very reminiscent of Bill and Fleur's wedding, he and his brothers help set up the tent on one side of the lawn for the reception. Ginny, Hermione, and his mother set up a little altar on the other side. Hermione charms some of the natural foliage to create a wedding arch. The vines fall delicately down the back of the arch, creating a backdrop of the rich green color. Ginny hand places small flowers throughout the arch as Molly sets up white chairs in front.

George walks nearby, "looks good."

"Thank you," Ginny turns to look at him. "(y/n) wanted yellow flowers everywhere. Do you think you could charm the flowers on the back of the seats?"

"Of course," he causes the flowers to grow up the backs of the seats, also causing them to brighten in color by casting an anti-wilting charm on them. For good measure, he enchants the flowers to sparkling slightly in the sunlight. "Look good?"

"Brilliant! How did you make them sparkle like that?"

"A special charm I've been working on. When's (y/n) getting here?"

"Sometime soon. We're going to be in my room. You should probably get inside before she gets here."


He gets dressed in his old room for the last time, tying his tie in the mirror.

"Not bad," he checks himself out in the mirror. The morning coat's dark material is very opposite of his normal attire, but his mum had begged him to wear something "wedding appropriate" for a groom. She wasn't wrong when she said he'd look good in the dark coat.

"How'd mum get you into that?" Ron teases from the doorway.

"No idea," George grins, "but I look bloody good."

"Gonna ditch the earth tones now?"

He snorts, "never."


Bill hands him a brown leather flask. "What's this?"

"Firewhiskey, of course." His lips twist with interest before taking a large drink from the flask. The liquid burns his throat deliciously, landing in the pit of his stomach. He passes the flask on to Ron, who passes it to Harry, who passes it to Percy, and so on. Before long, they're all joking, messing around like they did when they were children.

"Hand the flask over here, Ron," George puts his hand out.

"Oi! Don't you dare mate. He can't be out of it at the altar." Bill snatches the flask away before anyone can have another drink.

"Merlin's beard... I'm getting married." George's eyes widen, looking towards Ron.

"I'm glad you've realized, mate." Harry laughs.

"Oh wow--" He grins stupidly.

"Mum's gonna be pissed if you let him go out there, piss drunk." Percy comments, laughing.


They manage to sober him up slightly before escorting him down the stairs past the door that's loud with the girls' laughter. He can hear (y/n)'s enchanting laughter through the walls driving him insane. He'd give anything to go into that room and steal her away for a moment alone.

His mother shakes her head when she notices how they're guiding him out of the house.

"Don't give him any more," Molly plucks the flask from Bill's hand, ushering the boys out of her kitchen with another disapproving look.

Everything seems to get real the moment he's in front of the small crowd of their family and friends. (y/n)' s parents sit in the front right while his parents sit on the front left. They agreed on a small guest list. (y/n) hadn't wanted a whole affair. The day was supposed to be about them, she had insisted. Only a few classmates, close friends, and closely related family were in the small crowd, which was perfectly fine to him.

He gives his mom and dad a look before soft music starts up. Charlie walks down the aisle with (y/n) 's maid-of-honor Amelia on his arm. He's whispering something to her as they walk together, and Amelia is giggling, flirtatiously smiling at his brother. Charlie leaves a space between himself and George. A space for Fred.

Next is Percy with (y/n) 's friend Audrey, then Bill and Fleur, Ron and Hermione, and finally Harry and Ginny. The music changes, and Victoire walks down the aisle throwing yellow sunflower petals all around. She grins at everyone, definitely thinking this gathering was for her.

"Uncle George!" She runs towards the altar. The audience laughs as George squats down to pick her up.

"Hello V. You look very pretty in your dress."

"Thank you," Victoire giggles.

"Victoire, darling. Come here, please." Fleur motions for her daughter. Setting her down, she runs to stand next to her mum as (y/n) 's father steps out the front door. He holds out his hand to help (y/n) down the few stairs. He can only just see her, but his heart starts to rapidly beat in his chest. The closer she walks towards him, the faster his heart seems to beat. His face physically hurts from how wide he's grinning. He's never seen a more beautiful person in his entire life. The white material of her dress fits her body perfectly, hugging in all the right places. He swears later on that (y/n) glimmered in the afternoon sunlight as she walked down the aisle.

She's grinning and reaching for his arm as he's reaching for hers...and finally her hands in his. They stand across from each other. He's so transfixed by her, he hardly notices the witch in front of them speaking until she's asking him to repeat after her. Somehow he gets through the vows without many blunders.

"And do you (y/f/n) take George Fabian Weasley to be your husband, to live together in marriage? To cherish in friendship and love today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you live. To trust and love him faithfully in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment?"

"I do" (y/n) squeezes his hands in hers.

"By the power vested in me by the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you Wizard and Witch. You may seal your commitment to one another with a kiss."

George doesn't even hesitate, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. His wife.

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