Chapter Six

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(y/n) comes into the shop more often than ever before. She likes to come around lunchtime to spend their lunch hour in his office. Oswald had been so surprised to see her the day after they got engaged, ring on her finger, and lunch in hand. He had congratulated both of them multiple times before leaving them alone in George's office.

"So, how was your day?" she had asked as she sat down in the plush, purple chair across from him.

"It's been good. The store has been pretty busy. Lots of students are coming in."

"McGonagall's gonna hunt you down, Weasley." She laughs.

"I make it interesting even years after I graduate. I think McGonagall will thank me, honestly."

(y/n) rolls her eyes, "Oh definitely."

"How was your day? Busy at the office?" He asks, focused on the ring on her finger. It was so odd and pleasing to see the ring on her finger.

"Not too bad. Sort of slow, which is nice." She takes a bite of her sandwich. (y/n) had worked within the department of International Magical Cooperation since graduation, and the wars end.

"How has the boss been recently?" He knew she had difficulties with her boss in the past. She had complained to him a thousand times about the woman who seemed to want to make (y/n)'s life hell.

(y/n) purses her lips, "She's impossible to deal with as usual."

"You know you could always come work for me," he suggests.

"As sweet as that is, I do like my job, George." She laughs.

"Well, I'm just saying I would never ever piss you off like that woman does."

(y/n) shakes her head, grinning, "I love you, but I'm not sure we're compatible in a work sense." He's brought back to the many times (y/n) had studied with him. They'd get into massive fights over the answers they'd come up with and opinions on different subjects. Probably best to keep their relationship out of their jobs.

"You're probably right," he grins at her.


"Is (y/n) coming to dinner?" Molly asks when he arrives home.

"I didn't ask when I saw her." He shrugs off his coat.

"Well, Owl her, dear."


"The entire family will be over tonight. Your fiancee should be here." The entire family included his brother Bill, his wife Fleur, his niece Victoire, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and of course, Percy.

"Fine." He walks over to the window to write a short note to (y/n) inviting her over for their little family get together.


(y/n) shows up around an hour later, a bouquet of yellow lilies in hand. Molly takes the fresh flowers from (y/n), thanking her for the thought. George pulls her into a corner before the entire family can pull his fiancee away.

"Hello," he presses a kiss to her cheek. "I wanted to ask if we were telling everyone why we got engaged so quickly?"

"I don't mind if they know," (y/n) smiles sweetly, "whatever you want, dear."

The term of endearment makes heat rise up his neck. It's delicious to hear her talk to him in this way. "I don't know if tonights the best time to get into everything. I just want them all to know we're engaged and to get to know you better. Bill and Fleur will be here and my niece Victoire."

(y/n) grins, "I completely forgot you have a niece! Merlin that means I do too?"

George laughs, "I suppose you're right."

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