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One week after the incident, Soobin back to his schedule. All of his schedule for last week was re-arranged. He felt sorry for making a fuss but the staff was still nice as ever, knowing that it wasn't Soobin's intention to make everything delayed. Everything went back to normal.

But for Yeonjun, that was different. A few of his content got postponed, and some variety show cut him off because of the rumour that spread out so fast. He couldn't help it, it's Yoon's Company we're confronting.

For last week, he was taking a test for proof that he was clean from using drugs. It turned out a few days after because he didn't just took the blood testing, but also used a saliva and urine drug screen, and hair testing. He wanted to give a valid proof. And thanks to Soobin that always there for him in that week, accompinied him and of course, cuddle him every night. It was nice, to have someone to lean on, to feel at home.

"What time you done with work today, binnie?"

Yeonjun and Soobin just arrived at the agency, they now at the elevator. Soobin went to the model's area and Yeonjun to Bang PD's room.

"I'm not sure, but Taehyun said I can finish at 5  PM maximum. I will tell you if I got a break," Soobin said, and the elevator door now opened at his destination floor, "and good luck, hyung. Don't hope too high but still don't be pesimistic, okay? I'll always be there for you." He hugged and kissed Yeonjun's cheek slightly and surprisingly in a flash, ran out from the elevator.

"Bye hyung, fighting!" Soobin shouted from outside the elevator,

and the door closed, leaving Yeonjun who froze like a statue in there alone right now.

A few second, he came back to his sense and smiling like an idiot while touching his cheek that kissed by the younger.

"Wow, he's going bold. Looks like now is the right time." He smiled so wide, a contradiction to what probabilities would come to him, but he didn't care, he just cared about Soobin and Soobin only for now.

The elevator opened again, and he got out from there, walked to the agency owner's room calmly. He brought a papers, his test result.

He arrived at the door and knocked it twice.

"Come in."

Yeonjun twisted the doorknob, revealing the owner that sat at his workchair while his eyes focused on the document at the desk in front of him.

He looked up to see Yeonjun at the bay of the door, "oh, Yeonjun. Please sit and wait a little bit, I almost done." He gestured to the couch, his hands and eyes immediately back to the document.

The rapper walked in, seated himself on the couch and placed the envolope with test result in it on his lap, felt a little bit uneasy.

"So, the result came out? You don't have to tell me, I know you're clean," Bang PD stood up from his chair and walked to the couch in front of Yeonjun, sat there, "the representative of Yoon's company want me to deliver the copy of your test result to them. I already talked to the owner," Yeonjun nodded, and by 'the owner' it meant the parents of Yoon Chaerim, the girl that obsessed with and kidnapped Soobin.

"They said about the arranged marriage, and it was cancelled due to Soobin who 'ran away', and their daughter's healt issue...I'm sorry that I know that much but I have to, since Soobin is my model and the incident, and Yoon's company is one of our shareholder, I need to know..."

Yeonjun shook his head, "tell it to Soobin instead, I have no rights to say it's okay or not. But maybe Soobin will be okay with it," he said.

Bang PD nodded, "I know that, and I need your help too."

If I Ain't Got You | YeonBinWhere stories live. Discover now