Thand Er

223 7 3

Part One

4,113 words (always excludes notes)

The path ahead will be a perilous one. Filled with danger, betrayal, hurt. But you must always remember that lifelong friendships are made when one's life is at stake. Even the occasional romance can be bloomed in the darkest of times. 

Fate is a fickle thing. It can be rewritten by the people it tries to ensnare, but it will always be there. Bringing people together, tearing them apart. Forcing an innocent mind to be corrupted, and the strongest of hearts to be broken. 

Most do not understand fate. Not their own, not others, not the world's. And yet they always try to. They try to hold onto the fact that their life is in their own hands. When in reality it is in their minds that their true power over fate lies. It is not something physical that can be tied down. It is a mirage in the desert. An illusion cast by a magician. You can see it. But never truly grasp it. A fact many try to ignore

Why is it then, that you believe in what fate has in store for you, that you merely follow where it takes you without a second thought? 

Cefrey Stormwind. Cefrey the Green. Cefrey.

You may be able to control the chaos, the wild, around you. But fate, the very thing you truly have faith in, will forever connect you to the one you believe you cannot have.


The forest sang with each gale of wind that brushed past the many green leaves and branches of each tree. The birds and little forest creatures joined in harmony, adding to the orchestra of the wild. This beautiful area of nature was home to all sorts of living beings. All with their own sense of self and purpose. It was truly a wonder to behold. 

Not only were the speaking creatures in this forest, but also the mute ones, their colors vibrant against the many shades of green around them. Purples and blues and oranges, along with greens of every variation, could be seen in this part of the woods, including one made of fabric instead of vegetation. The blonde girl, with her bright green eyes that seemed to change with each passing moment, twirled through the open patch of the forest, a wide smile on her face as she listened to the sounds around her. 

With a light bounce in her step, Cefrey walked across the flower-filled field, breathing in the warm air as the sun rose to its peak. Her green dress swirled behind her, flowers and grass brushing against it. In her hand rested a small wicker basket, filled to the brim with herbs and flowers she picked along the way. Curled dark blonde hair pinned to the side with a simple broach kept it out of her face. Cefrey hated to cut her hair but also hated it when it got in her face. A small dilemma, to be sure, but one that was fixed quite easily. 

She seemed entirely carefree in this state, even when darkness loomed on the horizon. Some would say it was foolish to be that optimistic, others would envy her ability to see the light wherever she could. But both would be wrong in their assumptions. Cefrey was quite aware of the doom that seeped into each and every crack and crevice of this world. She knew that it was coming and it was coming fast. And yet she believed to live in the present. To enjoy life's greatest -- and albeit smallest -- pleasures. 

If only it could last just a bit longer.

A low hum sounded through the air, stopping the girl from her waltz through the greens. She sighed heavily, knowing full well that it wouldn't do her any good to ignore the call of a friend. It was a good thing the best herbs for her project were found near Hobbiton, else Cefrey would be feeling a lot more anger towards the old wizard. 

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