Initiation: The Sequel

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So, I find myself surrounded by shadowy death monsters from all sides and the only help I have is a man who I hate.

Without saying anything I take out my bow from my inventory and pull out an arrow.

This isn't any normal arrow though. This arrow has a Beenade tied to the head.

I only have 19 of these left but I really don't want to fight all these monsters by myself. there's like, 50 of them.

Charging the arrow with 200 MP i fire it at the largest group. The Explosion of the arrow itself kills around seven of the bastards but that doesn't matter. What I wanted are the Bee's.

You see, The Beenade is as it sounds. A grenade filled with bees.
The Bees themselves aren't normal bee's either. They are Magic bees, Meaning they can't be killed. Instead the bee's last for around five minutes and attack anything I deem an enemy.

Now with 43 Grimm left and a small army of bees by my side I start the actual fight.

Pulling out three arrows I charge each of them with 30 MP, shooting them at quick succession, at the Grimm. From the corner of my eye I see Mercury fighting off some Grimm by himself. He doesn't seem to need any help. Shooting more arrow at the monsters, Ducking under a  swing from a Beowolf, and blowing an Ursa's brains out with an arrow charged with 70 MP. We manage to kill all the grimm.

I see some notes saying I leveled up but I'm more interested in the drops.

You see, after finishing the hidden quest to save Amber I earned the Dungeon and Mob Drops gimmick.

That was a month ago. I learned in that time that Mob drops only  come from dead mobs. I didn't kill anything except some fly that was annoying me in that month, meaning I got no drops.

Training dummies don't count as mobs sadly and I also don't think killing a random bird will give me anything. so I checked with the Game.

I asked the question of what counts as a Mob, the answer was something that I was happy to hear, but also kinda' bummed out about.

Mobs are Creatures that are either neutral or Hostile to the player, sapient races do not count as mobs so that was a good thing, i won't go power hungry and start killing civilians for a chance to earn some legendary treasure. The bad part is the passive creatures that do not outright attack the user or pose no threat don't count as mobs. Meaning that if I kill a deer it won't drop meat, it will just die. But If I kill a crocodile that is attacking me I will get a drop from him.

It was very confusing but I hope you guys get the gist of it.

Good Animal = No Drop.
Bad Animal = Yes Drop.
Human = No Drop.
Monster = Yes Drop

And the other thing I learned from the Game was that the drops go into the inventory instead of into the world around. Which is good and bad in itself.

it's good because I don't need to explain why a pile of money appeared after i killed a mountain lion. it's bad because my Inventory will collect all the drops, meaning that I have to sort out the good drops from the bad drops.

Nobody wants to sort garbage, but now I have to.

The Dungeons are another thing i asked the Game.
Dungeons are realms that appear around the world in some places.

Only the Gamer and his Party can see and enter the dungeon and it appears as some sort of portal into a pocket dimension.

Dungeons can come in many different shapes and sizes, from Mazes to Puzzles, From Arena's to Castles.

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