A callout post.

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This isn't a chapter but I wanted to leave a reply to a comment from one of the previous chapters. I wrote it all out but couldn't post it because it was too long.

So here is a copy of the reply.

P.S - If any of you reader are hurt by what my scathing review is saying then I must apologize, I needed to get this off my chest for almost a week and decided that this would be the place for it.

P.P.S - Please keep an open mind.

"I'm not going to write a new story for you because

A: I'm already working on two different stories. I don't have the time for a third.

B: It wont be a good story since it's not my idea, I won't know how to work it all together.

C: The Idea you gave is, I hate to say this but, surprisingly, the cringiest idea I have ever read.
Really? Naruto the shinobi with the souls of Sonic Ogilvie Maurice the Hedgehog and Shadow the hedgehog is already making me lose braincells thinking about it. Adding Goku, Vegeta and Broly as well? Naruto would be brain-dead from all the bullshit souls in his body. Adding even Kuruma from canon naruto. Fuck, that is like a 12 year old weebs wet fantasy.

And finally, D: I just don't want to. I have school so I can barely write for the two stories I already have, I don't want this abomination to join it. I want my stories to be good, I want to be able to explain how my characters became powerful. Just dumping all these powers for some stupid power fantasy without explaining why or how or what the fuck that was is the mark of an absolutely AWFUL author.
I don't want to ruin my reputation and shit on my skill by shitting into a bucket full of piss and dead crabs, smear the piss-crab-shit bucket all over my keyboard, take a picture of that already hideous abomination and upload for the whole world to see how I, Neta Peleg, wrote a story about Fishcake with the souls of Sanic, Hot Topic, Carrot, Vegetable and Broccoli inside of his tightly clenched asscrack.

I'm really sorry you have to learn it like this but think of it that way.
When you ask someone to write a story for, first ask yourself if you yourself would be willing to write that story. If the answer is no then why the fuck should I? If the answer is yes, then why are you asking me and not writing it yourself?
I'm sorry about this rant but the comment you left asking me to write something nobody over the age of 15 would even think about has made me lose sleep and wake up in a cold sweat after having nightmares of naruto wanking off and accidentally destroying the universe, but from the way I read your other comments you must not be over the age of 13 so please.
If you're going to ask me to write a story for you.

Other than that rant I had about a comment on one of the previous chapters I wanted to thank each and every one of you.
I may not be able to do it like this since I'm writing this chapter on my phone but for those of you who reviewed, liked or even just added a view to this story, thank you.

Just please stop asking for updates. I can only write chapters where the system appears on my computer but since My country decided to keep school open for special-ed students like me I can't stay home and write. I love you for looking forward to new chapters but I'm going to have to ask you to please stop asking. I also want to write more but the computer that has all my document and ideas for the story is taken by my sibling most of the day. I usually have 4 hours a day during the weekends to write. And sometimes I want to use my time on the computer for myself.
Believe it or not, I have a life outside of Wattpad, I have friends I hang out with, I have games I like to play, I like to write in my pastime.

Writing stories is a hobby of mine, something i do in my spare time.
I don't get paid to write these stories, I love that you are looking forward to them but please, just commenting for me to update and give more chapters is annoying.

If you read till here than thank you for reading this fic. You have been mostly wonderful readers, just the fact that I had no hate comment yet is amazing.

You guys(at least most of you) rock! Please comment what you would like the first dungeon to be, as long as it's simple enough to be easy to pass but not too hard that it would kill the player. Also little spoiler for the first dungeon.
Team AMPR are going together as a party.
I already have some ideas but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Thank you again for reading this mess of a chapter, I'll try to give you a chapter soon.
Stay healthy.

P.P.P.S - Wow this chapter was a mess. It was supposed to be a copy of my rant that I couldn't upload but i just continued ranting. I know this may not be the right place to post it but i need to take it off my chest and put it somewhere.
Love you all - Neta.

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