Haunted starter

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Your muse(s) is(are) a mortal young adult. They recently moved into a home to work on personal issues while working from said home. The house was a gorgeous building that was absolutely massive. Honestly probably way too much space for you but you couldn't help yourself. after all it was ridiculously cheap. Even after you had it inspected and found nothing wrong with it.

It was your first night after having started unpacking your stuff. When you heard noises in the house. Nothing much at first. Just creaking...then whispers. You brushed it off as just being your imagination. But then you noticed other things off the next day. Things were moved and the house felt a bit less empty.

Just Dea or Deo:

You were unpacking when you heard footsteps. You followed them and they led you to a room you previously couldn't get in as it had been locked and the key was "lost". Now however the door is wide open and inside is a person.


Dea and Deo (they're twins):

You are eating lunch when you start to hear a hushed argument somewhere distant. You follow silently and see two people arguing. They seem to be arguing about....you? That or someone in the house.
"Deo! We HAVE to try!"

"Why? It won't work!"


Dea or Deo +their brothers (see side characters for fc's):

You are in the living room taking a break from cleaning and unpacking when you hear laughing and running upstairs. The running is loud enough that it has to be from someone 16 at most. You go to check it out and all you see is a flash of black, pale skin tone and yellow before you are crashed into falling to the floor with...another person. You look up to see a young man with pale skin, black slightly curly black hair to his ears and a very worried expression. "oh crap..." he mutters as he looks at you



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