Come with us, Junebug pt1

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What if Razzoc used June's body instead of Jacks? What if she Razzoc almost succeeded? Well imma make that but exaggerated x5 !
Junes POV

I laughed as I slid down a piece of metal with my pogostick." If pogo sticking was a sport i'd be good at it!" I said to myself. 

Suddenly a shadow hovered above me. I looked up and saw the king Wretch sitting in front of me. I dropped my pogo sticks and reached for my walkie talkie. Just as I was about to call, the creature looked into my eyes and I felt woozy.

I woke back up house! My parents were at the front door and I ran and engulfed them in a hug. I was back home! "Guys!" I called to Jack, Quint and Dirk,who were just standing on the sidewalk."Come on!"

They stood there. "Just you!" Jack said smiling a creepy smile. What?

"Come now!" Mama called, putting a hand on my shoulder"You can forget about them!"

"But I don't wanna leave my friends!" I tried to walk back, but I couldn't budge.

"COME NOW!" I'm engulfed into darkness. 

Rezzoch stood in front of me grinning. "June." It took the shape of a person.

"Rezzoch." I said. "What do you want?"

"Your body to crossover. What else?" She simply smiled. Is Rezzoch even a girl?

"Well you can't have it so-" She cut me off. "Oh but so STRONG. They are holding you back. YOU can see your parents again! I can make that happen!" She exclaimed "Just bring me to your world!"

"No. I'm not a new Thrull for you to play with." I stated.

Rezzoch scoffed "You are stronger than him." one of the tentacle things grabbed my upper arm." I can see the power" Its grip tightened. "lets fuse"

"No!" I tried to get the thing off. It turned into a creepy smile thing then vanished.

 I am put into a weird floaty area. Its foggy and damp. Suddenly bright lights surrounded me as a ...Screen? Showed up. It started projecting memories of me and my family. I stare at it sadly. I wanna be with them...

"I can give all that to you and more, Keep them with you forever." Rezzoch took that creepy human shape"OR" the picture changed to skeletons. "I can make you lose them forever!" 

"No you can't!" I yelled.

"TOO LATE!" One of the tentacle things slashed my left arm. I felt like I was drowning.

Jacks POV 

I poured the water on June's body that was lying limp on the dirt. She sat up quickly her eyes an eerie white for a second. Before they became a dull brown.

"What happened?" she asked. I engulfed her in a hug and sobbed. I thought she might have been dead! Her heart wasn't really beating when I found her. It was slow. 

"Well I found you and thought you were dead! So I made noise and splashed you in water-" I sobbed.

"Oh wow." Was all she said as she patted my back. 

Suddenly she winced and grabbed her arm. I pulled away and rolled up her sleeve. On her upper arm there was a cut that glowed a strange blue. It wasn't small either. It went from her shoulder to halfway. That needs to be checked out.

I helped her up and picked up the pogo sticks. We walked halfway to where Dirk and Quint where. Then she doubled over in pain. 

"JUNE!" I yelled as she fell clutching her arm. The cut was glowing blue and bleeding. 

I dropped the pogo sticks and picked her up bridal style. I started running to Joe's pizza. 

I burst through the door with an almost unconscious June in my arms. Quint and Dirk dropped their pizza and rushed over.

"Tree house. Now!" Quint rushed us back out. we made it to the tree house and I managed to climb up the latter with one hand holding June. 

Once we made it up there I layed her down on the couch.

"The cut is glowing blue." Quint inspected "Go get bardle." 

Me and Dirk rushed back down to Joe's.

"BARDLE COME QUICK!" We ran to him. He stood up and walked back out with us as the monsters stared at us. 

We ran back out to the tree house and climbed up the latter. June was still laying there but her eyes where a pale blue. 

"Rezzoch." I heard Bardle mumble. 


"Only her arm is being taken over. If i cut it off then she'll be fine."


"Or I may rip it off." Bardle walked over to the paralyzed June.

"Uh any alternative?" I asked hoping we didn't have to remove any of June.

"Or I can remove her brain." I'm sorry what!

Dirks eyes widened"DON'T DO THAT-" He yelled.

"Fine then. Cut or rip?"

"Uh...Cut?" We agreed as Quint stepped away. 

Bardle raised his sword and-

"WAIT!" Quint yelled. Bardle stopped and turned to him."Can we leave before you do it?" Quint twiddled his thumbs. Bardle nodded and let us leave.

Once outside we sat at the bench outside. I put my head in my hands.

What if she dies? What if Bardle slips up? What if it's too late?

Suddenly a yell could be heard from the tree house. 

We rushed up and saw June sitting up with her Right arm holding her up. Her other arm nowhere to be seen. 

"WHERE DID MY ARM GO?!" She yelled.

"I cut it off. Then it disintegrated." Bardle explained. WAIT HER ARM DISINTEGRATED!

"I'm sorry, my arm disintegrated?!" She asked surprised. 

"Yup,but you won't destroy the universe!" Quint said excitedly. 

"I STILL DON'T HAVE AN ARM!" she yelled waving the nub around. Bardle smiled and pulled something out of his robe thing. It was a robot arm! But how?

"I made it one day using the 'Science' It was to be for a robot." He put the shoulder pad thing on Junes shoulder."I Infused magic into it so it should work like a real arm." he strapped it on. 

"Very convenient." she moved the arm around. It was just like her other arm.

"Well, June gets a badass arm!" Dirk threw his hands up. We cheered as Bardle left. 

Quint and Dirk started to leave. June tried to follow them out but I blocked the entrance. I can't risk her getting hurt! 

"Jack move." She sighed.

"No" I shook my head.

"Move!" She yelled.

"Go to your room." I crossed my arms.

"I SAID MOVE!" She pushed me and I fell out of the tree house. Rover came in time and caught me. 

"What's your  deal?!" I shouted at her as she came down. She simply kicked dirt at me and walked away. RUDE! Why was she like this?

"You ok?" Dirk and Quint helped me up.

"I'm fine,but is she?"


I did this not the KING!

But our lord did do the cover for this shot.

THE LAST KIDS ON EARTH:One shots and randomnessWhere stories live. Discover now