If Jack confessed

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We were in Big Al's junkyard, searching for a stupid radio antenna, and having fun of course. Dirk and Quint were bouncing of tires and laughing and joking around.

June and I on the other hand we're sitting on some old car seats which were pretty comfy. June was reading one of those cheesy magazines that said 'what type of person are you!' Or something, I don't really get it since I've never been into it.

I was looking around, and I admiring the junk that was forming everywhere. Until I heard June call my name, I snap my head back to see what she wanted.

June laughed "what is your type of boy band?" She asked, reading off the magazine, "Rock, heavy metal, jazz of goofball?" I think she was calling me a goofball cause I never heard of that anywhere else.

I laid back, cool dude style "bad boy, emo, goofball" I said as I got up. I looked around for a fake microphone until I saw a hairbrush. I grabbed it and I started singing to June, obviously very poorly but hey! I'm making a move at least!

After my little performance, June laughed and clapped, "beautiful! Beautiful!" June shouted while doing an Italian chefs kiss, I laugh and bow "thank you! Thank you!" I shout. June kept laughing as she grabbed a Barbie microphone and stood next to me.

I smiled, then the both of us were performing and laughing, cause we couldn't sing, well I couldn't, June was great! I was happy and smiling and all bubbly inside...till I remembered..my wrist. I quickly put down my hair brush and pulled up my glove.

"Hey, why'd ya stop?" She stoped and faced me still giggling. 

"No reason." I ran past her"BUT THAT YOU'RE IT!" 

"Not fair!" She chased me. We ran around for a couple minutes till we decided to go sit back down. 

June was looking off in the distance. I admired her. Her brown curly hair and chocolate eyes. 

"Hey June." I hesitantly said.

"Yeah?" She faced me.

"I like you." I said "I mean like-like you." I sighed as she was silent.

"Do you really?" She looked at me. I nodded rapidly.

"Yeah I do. Even before all this all happened, yeah."

"I like you too." We hugged. I kissed her cheek.


She jumped up and smiled at me. "Come on!" She grabbed my hand and we walked over to Dirk and the antenna.

Today was one of the worst and best days of.my.life.




THE LAST KIDS ON EARTH:One shots and randomnessWhere stories live. Discover now