thirty seven

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chan waited in the cold chilly weather, sitting on a bench by the park. how silly of him to pick this day where it's freezing to finally confront minho about everything, but he was so determined to get it off his chest by today and there was nothing stopping him. minho also agreed but he made sure chan listened to him and wear very warm clothes so they both won't catch a cold anytime soon.

glancing at his wristwatch, he estimated that minho would be here any second and now his palms started sweating. it's like the cold has no effects on him whatsoever. he glanced around the park that was covered in light snow to see a figure approaching him and he is certain that it's minho.

it was seamless how by seeing the smile on minho's face can calm him down so quickly as if it wasn't there in the first place. his nervousness disappeared in less than a second once minho's giggles escaped his mouth. and his stomach are filled with butterflies once minho said "hey, how's my angel?".

it's amazing how much effect he has on chan.

minho proceeded to sit beside chan on the cold bench which made him shivers a bit before locking eyes with chan with a small smile dancing on his lips, patiently waiting for the older's answer. chan returned the smile and responded with a "i'm okay, just a bit nervous." followed with an awkward chuckle.

"and why is that?" minho asked, a puff of cold air could be seen came out of his mouth. chan scratched his nape in response before rubbing his hands together while preparing his sentence. "awh, are you cold? i told you to wear something warm. come, give me your hands." before he could do anything, minho grabbed a hold of both of his hands to provide the warmth from his mittens.

"when i told you to dress warmly, this is what i meant. the mittens and all, you know? it's really cold today, you need to take care of yourself." a frown is visible on minho's face and chan could hear how his voice is laced with concern. at this point chan can't even deny how loving and caring minho is in general and there's no way he could fall any deeper for the younger.

minho continued to warm chan's hands in his while slowly humming a tune. it surprised chan because the tune sounded like one of his tracks, the one he wrote specifically for minho. "i really like this new track you did, very melodic and beautiful. have you written the lyrics for it?" he asked. chan could tell that the younger hasn't heard the lyrics yet but once he remembered the reason behind the song's existence, two lines of lyrics popped in his head.

i'm sorry i wasn't there when you need me the most,
i thought i was only mistaken for someone you've lost.

chan feels his heart clench at this thought before he realizes that he couldn't hold it in any longer. he slowly retracted his hands from minho's warm hold which brought surprise to the younger. "minho, can we talk?" he bravely lock eyes with the brunette who just looked confused but responded with a light nod.

chan took a deep breath before letting out a big puff of cold air, feeling his lips getting dryer each second. minho could see that chan is a bit tensed so he rubbed his shoulders in comfort where the older reacted with a determined look on his face before letting everything off his chest entirely.

"you know how we spent a lot of time together this past few weeks with the reason behind it is for us to fix our relationship and for me to redeem myself, right? you know how i promised to make a change and make you happier than before because of how much you suffered in the past? and you know how i wanted to prove to you that i will try my best to love you again?" chan said in one breath before his breath started to get shaky. minho was still in an idle state, waiting for chan to continue.

"after all this while, i never really understood what i felt for you. it was like my heart is always yearning for your attention but i don't get why i'm so attached to you. it then makes sense when i found out that we used to be each other's life companion and that could be the only reason why my heart was hurting around you. i may have not any memory of you left in my head, but my heart was never affected by the impact of the accident. the way it beats for the person i fell for years ago is the same today." chan took another deep breath before continuing.

"i love you minho. i really do."

minho never expect that this day would happen. the day where the love of his life who he devoted his love life for more than he would reciprocate his feelings after so long of being forgotten. he had suffered being left alone for so long and it's just hard to believe that those words came out from chan's mouth so easily.

but now everything unravels in front of him and the light that he once lost in his eyes came back almost immediately. minho didn't realize how much that sentence impact him that his eyes started to water in less than a second as his lips shakily formed into a small but content smile.

"t-thank you, channie. thank you for accepting me once again into your life. thank you for taking me into your arms like how you used too. thank you for giving me the affection i've missed from you this past few years. thank you for believing in me, believing in our relationship, and believing in us."

"i love you too chan. i really do."

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