thirty eight

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both of them couldn't stop smiling as they try keeping their tears in as much as possible. it was a moment that seems too beautiful to be true, and chan felt so at ease that he finally got his words out and make minho the happiest man alive.

"w-will you then do the honour of being my boyfriend..." minho stopped and chuckled before continuing "...for the second time?"

chan pouted a little before nodding his head continuously. a huge smile appeared on both their face as they leaned in and press their foreheads together. it was just a moment of them staring into each other's eyes as they stayed close before minho retracted with a worried expression.

he immediately took off his mittens and place the back of his hand on chan's forehead. "oh gosh, you're burning up. let's get you home." minho said before standing up and offering his hand for chan to take.

chan pouted and refused to take his hand as he said "but i want to stay with you." looking at the older's sad and sulky expression made minho giggle so he responded with a "who said i'm leaving?" as he added a little smirk at the end. a cute smile danced on chan's lips as he happily took minho's hand and they walk back to his apartment.

once they arrived back at chan's, minho let the older's hand go and walked to the kitchen. "you should go on and wash up, i'll make you some porridge." chan didn't want to go though, he said he doesn't feel sick so he should be fine. "no can do, channie. go to your room and wash up, i'll accompany you later okay?" minho said softly as he ruffled the older's hair.

with a sigh, chan finally left and went to take a shower. he started to feel cold right after, feeling the sickness slowly creeping up his body. he slightly sneezed before checking he mirror, seeing his nose turns red like rudolph. he put on some comfortable clothes before sitting on the bed with his back straight on the bed's header.

a few minutes passed and chan was tired of waiting. while wrapping himself in layers of blankets, he walked out of the room and spotted minho at the kitchen. before he could step into the kitchen, he accidentally stepped on the end of the blanket he's using to cover himself and fell. fortunately he wasn't injured since he is covered well but he does feel embarrassed.

minho heard the thump sound and immediately ran over to see chan had fallen in the middle of the hallway. he quickly came when he saw chan struggling to get up by himself. minho chuckled as he heard chan's grunts and smoothly picked the older up and walked back to his bedroom. chan was too tired to even realize what's going on, but he sure felt happy to get minho's attention.

"i told you to stay inside, didn't i? the porridge is almost done, i'll be here in no time." minho said as he laid chan down on the bed, the blankets still all over him. seeing chan not responding, he walked back to the kitchen to get the porridge.

"aah, i hate being sick." chan's whine was the first thing that minho heard once he entered the room once again and he can't help but to chuckle. "that's why i told you to dress warmly, it's your fault you didn't listen to me." minho smugly replied as he put the porridge down on the bedside table. he took a seat beside chan on the bed and help him sit up.

chan refused to eat at first, but minho threatened him that if he doesn't eat, minho would leave and he won't be getting any cuddles. once he finished the porridge, minho had to convince him to eat his medications and that definitely need much more convincing.

"i'll be okay, i don't need it." chan keep repeating and the younger was so done with him. "if you're sick then we can never kiss again." minho boldly stated. he wanted to say that if they kissed, he would also get sick but he forgot that he haven't kissed chan for so long. chan was surprised at what minho said and without hesitation, he took the pill and swallowed it with the help of water.

minho blushed at this action, seeing that he was embarrassed by what he said just now. he didn't mean to be so bold, but he does miss having chan all to himself again. once minho finishes cleaning up, he slides in beside chan on the bed along with his laptop. "what are you planning to watch, sweets?" chan asked while he comfortably lays his head on minho's chest.

minho blushed at the cute nickname chan gave him. that's exactly what the older used to call him, and it really bring back good old memories. "did you just call me sweets?" he asked to make sure. "yeah, you don't like it?" chan looked up to face minho and the younger just ruffled his hair and smiled sweetly.

they continued their night by watching several movies in bed, talking about their pasts together, playing with each other's hands and just simply being there together. it's a night that neither of them would imagine they will be having once again in their life, especially with the one they love.

before chan felt sleepy, he really wanted to do something to complete his day. if only he wasn't sick, he would already done it by now. minho realized that the older kept staring at his lips and he stared back. "you know if i get sick, it's your fault right?" minho asked, raising one of his eyebrows. chan pouted at this, sad that he can't sleep with this thought running on his mind.

"ah, how can i resist you?" minho said before slowly leaning in and leave a sweet kiss on chan's slightly chapped lips. he missed having chan's lips on him, but the feeling of it never changed. it feels exactly like how it felt back in the days and it brought joy to minho.

it lasted for a few seconds as the older kissed back but minho pulled away before he could get lost in the kiss. "that's enough for today, okay? go to sleep now, angel." minho whispered softly before leaving a peck on chan's forehead and pulled the older towards him.

after the kiss, chan can finally say that the day is complete and he can finally sleep peacefully. he snuggled into minho's embrace and relaxed into his scent. the two had finally find comfort in each other and fell asleep that night.

it's a sweet memory that they both had together and even though one of them doesn't remember what they had before, it doesn't mean that they can't create new memories together. if the love and connection between them stays strong, then they will always end up together no matter how hard it is.

true love does exist, and it had brought both chan and minho back together.


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