Christmas Special - Chapter 26 - Request For Help

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I hope you guys are having an amazing Christmas with family and friends!

I probably am! And as my present to you I will gift you this chapter! It's just the next chapter as I can't make themed chapters, so enjoy!


Anyway, now that I have found out that I'm special I should probably do what she said! But I don't actually have a cloak.


Eh, I'll just buy one later, now onto adventuring, I haven't done this in a while. Well like a week. Anyway, let's have a look at the card. My gaze wandered down onto the silver card, it resembled a credit card, if you ignore everything other than the general shape.

Zaleria | Rank G | Quest Completed 0 | Quests Failed 0 | 10 More Quests To Rank Up


Now what can I'd do at Rank G. My eyes wandered across the room, that is until I saw the small wooden board with different assignments scattered across it.

I began walking towards it while gaining a few peoples attention. Massive wolves don't seem to be normal.


Rank G

Gather Medicinal Herbs - Repeatable

Reward - 20+ Bronze Per Herb


That's pretty good, and before you say it, no I'm not doing subjigations until I know my combat capabilities, I'm not a fool, like you for even thinking that, you fool!

Now, I will ask what medicinal herbs look like!

Walking back towards the reception desk I had just left.I immediately ask,"What do medicinal herbs look like?"

She sighed reaching down underneath the desk to pull out a small notebook, letting her brunette hair fall down across the desk ."Just remember to return it," She spoke handing it to me.

With a smile I turned away and walked out of the guild. Time to buy a cloak. I hate shopping, too much effort, but hey I'll just buy a cool looking cloak.

I started walking through the streets looking for a clothing shop while reaching my hands into my pockets. Hmm I swear this is the pocket where I put my money?


I actually got pickpocketed! Welp, no cloak for today. Damn you! Two silvers have been stolen from my grasp!

I'll just have to earn my money back then. Turning around I began walking towards where I remember the gate to be please say this is the right way...

I'm also guessing the adventures card counts as verification, well I'm counting on it unless I want to break in. Could be fun...

Anyway! That is in fact the gate, I was correct! I'm truly amazing at this guessing thing.

Time to gather some herbs!


This notebook is really useful damn! So far I've gathered around sixteen herbs, none that rare but it's enough for me to get an inn and some food, finally I can taste again! Well, I haven't really missed it but it'll be nice to welcome it back.

Uriushi has also been an amazing help, he's actually pretty good at taking plants out of the ground, just nothing too delicate, I learnt my lesson. Damn you wolf!

Time to head back! I'm suprised I didn't even see one monster but hey, not complaining! It's probably because of my oversized dog...

"Arhhhhhhhhhhee," I heard an ear shattering scream coming from what sounded like a women in need. Well, I can't help so I'll be heading out, not my problem!

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