Chapter 28 - Where am I?

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<Zia's POV>

That was the nicest sleep I've ever had in this entire world!

Is what I was going to say that is until I remembered, well mainly saw the goblins surrounding me, and the knights, who were currently staring at a patch of shrubbery next to the clearing.

I wonder what's happening?

Just as my now feeble mind began to contemplate both life and the situation I'm now in someone screamed.

Hey I'm trying to debate life over here! Is what I was going to scream but...

Damn that attack looks powerful, will those knights be able to survive it? As the flaming wall dissipated I found out. No the knights could not survive the raging wall of flame.

As I looked towards the creator of the flame I noticed. Hey he's an adventurer does that mean my knight in shining armour is not in fact the knights in shining armour?

Eh, I don't know. Let's just watch and see how my fate is decided.

The remaining five knights and mysterious man in a black cloak readied themselves.

"How dare you oppose us adventurer! We could have you puny guild destroyed without a second thought! You should know your place, now die! Summon Flaming Boar!"

The cloaked man screamed, I could already imagine his maniacal smile underneath that hood of his.

Wait, summon magic? My mind finally caught up to his words. He can use summoning magic, he's powerful.

A flaming pillar sprouted from the ground, its height reached past my own. As it dissipated in its place stood a large flaming boar. In place of fur was creeping flames reaching around it burning the grass underneath it.

It was a good three foot tall standing at around half my height.

It rough breath left small sparks floating in the air as its orange, beady eyes darted around waiting for its first orders.

Gasps escaped from the shrubbery the knights had been staring at, it seemed our adventurer has reinforcements. I looked over the dead bodies again. A pair had lost their legs and gained an arrow for one a hole in the other. It seems he has a mage and an archer, possibly ranger.

The adventurer wielding a sword grimaced. Let's call him Swordy for now, very creative naming.

Swordy grimaced, retreating closer to his comrades who had now exited the shrubbery. It seems my guess was correct. A mage and archer.

This could be an exiting battle!

Suddenly I was picked up by a goblin, I was turned to face it, before I could even notice something fell down my throat as my head felt woozy.

A-a-h-h  sleeping poti~

My mind fell blank as I fell into a deep slumber.

What about the battle!

Was my last though before the darkness fully embraced, me leaving my mind an empty void.


A yawn escaped my lips as I woke up. Jeez my head hurt, what was I sleeping on? I raised my head and opened my eyes to a cackling campfire surrounded by three others.

Oh wait, I was kidnapped wasn't I! Oh, look it's Swordy, oh damn..... Those burns don't look fun. His body was covered in small blisters and charred skin. Next to him was another man who I assume is the mage due to the lack of bow on his back.

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