Chapter 4

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I simply answer, "I've come to ask if I can become a ninja here."

Before I can continue Iruka smashes into the room shouting, "Naruto has painted the Hokaga's faces." The Hokaga looks like he is frustrated however wanting to laugh. Kakashi just ignores what is happening because he has got his nose in the book.

I however am on the floor laughing my head off!

Everyone looks at me as if I have another head. Does this mean I'm in the first episode YAY!!!!!!

Could you keep it down, I know you look good when you're existed but I want to hear what they're going to say.

EWWWWW, why do I have to have you inside of me?

I listen back into the conversation again, " this?" I should listen more.

I look at them confused as they look at me. The Hokaga speaks up, "What is your name child?"

I anime vain at the word child but stop it before it comes out. "Sunny Akiyama" I smile a sweet smile to show that I'm no threat.

The Hokaga then tells Kakashi that he can go however asks if I can live with him so he can keep an eye on me. Kakashi agrees then goes.

Then the Hokaga whispers something to Iruka, he nods and speaks up, "Sunny you can come with me then to go to the academy."

I did a little happy dance in my head, but stayed emotionless on the outside.


Finally getting Naruto and heading back to the academy with Iruka. I race ahead of them so I can have an awesome first impression with the class. Slamming the door open, all heads look in my direction.

"Hello to everyone." I do a hand stand just for the fun of it then do a back flip to get away from the door as Iruka throws Naruto in.

All attention now gone from me, I ask Ryuu What type of introduction should I do also should I mock Sasuke when we do the transformations.

I hear a small chuckle form Ryuu. I would go for the board type introduction as this school is boring a bit. Also make Sasuke have bunny ears and a tail and hop around. This is why I like you as a host as much, you make life interesting.

Thank you.

Once I come out of the conversation with Ryuu I notice that everyone is looking at me. I tile me head to side in confusion at first.

"Oh... My name is Sunny Akiyama, but I prefer to be called Fumei (meaning unknown)" I say in a monotone voice.

I look over towards Iruka and Naruto, and go help Naruto out of the ropes also offering him a small smile. At first he looks at me with shock then gives me one of him famous grines.

Helping him up then going into line that I just notices. I can't wait until my time. Ryuu should I do hand signs or not.

To start with use hand signs so no one is suspicious.

After all of the class did there's. Also laughing at Naruto's sexy justu on the inside, it was turn. Before anyone can say that I don't have to do it, do the hand signs in a slowish say, not my fastest and changed into Sasuke with bunny ears and a tail.

I look over to the class the girls were fainting or had a nose bleed. Why? I don't know. Naruto is laughing his ass off while Sasuke is looking at we with his famous death glare.

Lets see how far I can push it with him.

I start to hop around the floor getting more tension in the air. One more step left.

Hopping over to Sasuke now I look up at him with my puppy eyes and take a step closer. He takes a step back. Before anything else can happen I lick Sasuke on the cheek.

"Hm, you taste like tomato", I say as I change back. Glancing over at Sasuke and his fan girls, the look of death is the only thing to say.

Before I can get attacked by anyone I leg it out of the room trying to find my way to Kakashi's apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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