Chapter 3

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**Melody's POV**

We walked to the building that leads up to the surface. The damn Vampire territory. They make me sick, stupid blood suckers.

Once we were at the top, Charlie glanced around making sure no one was watching us. Nodding her head, she turns to us and claps her hands.

"Alright Axle, Melody. We are going to a party. A big one too. Don't get drunk, and keep a sharp eye on your surroundings. Especially you Melody. Axle, we'll have to keep a close eye on her. She could get into trouble and need our help. Understand that?" She said sternly. Axle nods his head quickly, then she turns to look at me. I smile at her and shake my head as well.

"Good. Lets go have some fun!" She smiles, grabbing our wrists and darting towards the door that leads outside. I take a deep breath, realizing my heart was pounding in my chest wildly. Charlie opens the door and pulls us out after her.

We begin walking down the street directly to the house the party is held. I cast my gaze towards the sky and watch the moon. It's about 9:30 right now, and the breeze is a little cold. Caught off guard, I bump into Axle.

"Hey, Melody. maybe you should look forward and not up?" He chuckles, continuing behind Charlie. I smile to myself and begin walking again as well.

"We're here." Charlie says, stopping us in front of the house. Loud music is blaring through the cold night air. Taking a deep breath, I attempt to get rid of the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. We're here to have fun. Not to worry.

Following Charlie and Axle inside, I take a look around. Sniffing the air, I cover my nose. The strong smell of alcohol causes my eyes to water. I blink the tears away and head to where Charlie walked off to.

Finding her in the kitchen with a glass of wine, I pour myself some as well.

"Charlie, we can't get drunk. something could happen. So lets be careful." I whisper to her. She smiles and nods her head.

6 glasses of wine later

"Melody.. I think we're a little drunk. Maybe we should stop" She says, stumbling on her words a little. I nod, and put my glass down.

Two, very handsome boys walk into the kitchen, spotting us, they look at each other. Smirking, they walk over to us. The one with blue eyes licks his bottom lip, staring at Charlie. The other, with green eyes stares at me, a smirk on his beautiful face.

"Well, hello. Look who we've run into brother. My name is Lance. This is James. We're twins." The blue eyed boy says. So his name is Lance huh? And the one with green eyes is James? Those are nice names... What the hell has gotten into me? I usually never think of boys as 'handsome' or 'beautiful'. Maybe I'm just too drunk.

"James, brother. Do you mind pouring these fine ladies a glass of wine?" Lance asks him. James nods, and walks to the wine bottle, pouring two glasses, he adds something else in it. To drunk to care, I look past it. He comes back and hands us the drinks.

Charlie drinks hers, and so do I. I take a second to study the drink. It is a light pink color, with a lemon on the side. It had an odd smell... Like strong alcohol or something. Being drunk, my senses aren't really 100%.

swallowing the rest of the drink, my vision blurs and I become sleepy. Feeling hands slither around my waist, I slump forward, not able to control my body anymore. I close my eyes for a moment, confused on what is going on. I feel myself being pulled somewhere, then a cold breeze hits my face.

My eyes snap open. I look up slightly, only to see Charlie being carried in front of me. Blinking a few times, and shaking the dizziness and spots away, we walk into a dark ally. Realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I struggle to get out of Lance's hold, but he only tightened his grip.

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