Chapter 2

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Haunting Memories

Here's Chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed chapter 1!! I love writing, so I seriously hope it doesn't bore you to death!

~ Ella :)


**Melody's POV**

The last thing I remember was being attack by a vampire. My head was spinning, and I felt like I was dying. I was slowly gaining my consciousness back. The feeling of being pulled back into the world I call Hell. My eyes shot open and I began to pant heavily.

My hand found its way to my neck, feeling puncture wounds where the monster bit me. That's when I noticed people were staring at me. A girl and a guy I looked around realizing I was in a house. I cleared my throat, fanning my face. I was burning up. My leg felt like it was on fire, and my arms were cut bad. There was also a burning sensation on my cheek where he had slid the knife along my skin.

"Water...” I rasped. The boy immediately darted out of the room and came back with a glass of water. Handing it to me, I took it and drank it all in a matter of seconds. Sighing, I put the glass on the stand.

"W-why am I here? Why did you save me?" I asked, slightly panting. I felt my forehead, and wiped the beads of sweat on my shirt.

"Well... I just don't like seeing people suffer in the hands of those beasts. The damn thing chained you up! You were defenseless! I couldn't just leave you there with him! Sooo... I froze him, cut off his tongue, plucked his fangs out and sent him crawling back to Marcus to receive my message." The girl smiled proudly at her accomplishment. I chocked on air when the girl said those things.

"You cut his tongue off? And plucked his teeth? Wait, wait... you froze him... You're a witch? Am I..." I rambled on, shocked. Bringing her hand up she hushed me.

"Yep. To all those questions. And yes, you are in The Underground City. Right under New Orleans." the girl laughed at my reaction.

"T-thanks for uhm... saving me back there." I said nervously.

"It was no problem. It's the least I could do. With Marcus hunting you all down to the ends of the Earth... I swear he won't stop till he kills every last one of you! But for some reason, he has a particular interest in killing you." She grinned, probably wondering why he was only after me at the moment.

"Ha... yea... I guess saving innocent people from him only gets his minions all over your ass...” I scratched the back of my head nervously. The boy chuckled, and I looked at him. Gasping I cover my mouth. My eyes went wide in shock once again. Realizing there was another one of my kind. Standing right in front of me.

"y-your... a shape-shifer? I-I thought for sure I'd never see another of my kind! Especially after..." A lump formed in my throat as the memories came rushing back to me. Those haunting memories... Tears threatened to spill, so I looked away.


"Mommy? Daddy?" My five year old self walked aimlessly in the dark, foggy forest.

"M-mommy. I-I'm scared. Where a-are you? Please stop playing hiding from me!" I cried for the comfort of my parents.

Suddenly being lifted off the ground with a scream I began to trash around. Tears poured from my eyes as the stranger carried into the woods. Struggling to break free.

"P-put me down! Leave m-me alone!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Shh, I'm not going to hurt you sweet heart. I'm a friend." The man said putting me on the ground gently.

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