Chapter Four

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**Charlie's POV***

Marcus' lips pressed against mine without any hesitation as he saw me, I didn't even have a chance to dodge it. The kiss was full of passion, loss, regret and all those feelings I had shoved away. After a minute of realizing what was happening I came to my frayed senses and shoved him off me with all my mite. I barely managed to get him off me and he stumbled back in shock. His eyes were cloudy in thought and he was vunrable.

"Charlotte...," he mumbled. Stepping towards me again.

"Stop, don't you move any closer to me," I tried to say strongly but my voice shook. I wasnt 100% after that kiss. I put my hand up defensely ready to use magic or something if he came towards me.

"Do you not remember me?" He asked, hurt in his stormy eyes.

"I remember who you were, and I also know who you are," I spit out.

"Charlie, I'm still me," he defended himself. I notice as we spoke he slowly moved closer to me, so subtle I questioned it myself.

"You would kill shapeshifters, nor would you ever get innocent drunks as feeding toys," I hissed at him.

"That's all business to impress my superiors, it's not as if I enjoy it," he said and inched forward. Goddamn. Why wasn't I sending his ass flying? Because you want to listen to him. No. Nope. Shut up subconscious.

"Totally. And me killing off your men is business to because they're killing innocence," I shot back.

"Charlie, I... I don't even know what to say to you. Its been so long I didn't think I would ever see you again," he whispered.

"Don't start Marcus, its not worth it," I said.

"You can't keep me from talking," he said.

"Wanna fuckin bet?" I replied. However, before I got the chance to he shot forward in a blink of an eye and pinned me to wall with my hands above my head.

"Can't do shit now Charlie," he growled.

"You're a different person, I don't know why I ever thought I could love someone like you," I spit at him. Venom lacing my words. Marcus' eyes flashed in pain but he cover it quickly. I was going to say something else when he he murmured 'fuck it' and bit down hard on my neck. I let out a scream of pain and shock as I felt his teeth break skin. "I'll never forgive," I warned.

"I don't need a killers forgiveness dear," he said as he paused for a breath. I was going to respond but he sunk his teeth in again and I was out like a light.

**Axle's POV**

"Shit, she should be back by now," Melody said as she paced the living room floor. I was sprawled on the couch staring at th ceiling, avoiding thinking about my missing best friend.

"Trust me Melody, she can do more then just protect herself. She is probably fine," I lied. Well sort of. Ya she can do more than protect herself but she can only handle so many at a time. What if more came and they overcame her, or maybe the one guy managed to get a hit on her. However, there was no way I was going to let our pretty guest know that I am scared shitless for Charlie.

"Are you sure? Maybe we should go try to find her?" She suggested. I sat up and glanced at the door, praying that she'd walk through the door.

"I'm not sure, she told us to run, and you were out for a good two hours when you got here. Maybe she just went shopping or partying?" I offered peace. But not for me. We got here 3 hours ago and she still hasnt returned, she should have been right behind us.

"What shops are open at 4 A.M?" Melody asked.

"Black market shops that witches go to," I responded.

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