61: Arrival, Spoons, and Shoes

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Mai followed the directions Fuguta had given Roland to Oliver's house and pulled up to the garage. She was shivering from the steady drizzle that had begun halfway here and revving up for a severe talking to for her Regent, after she slapped him upside the head. Honestly, that boy needed someone to keep him in line and it seemed like Mai was the only one not afraid to take up that mantle.

She parked her motorcycle, propping it up with her kickstand, and waited for her two passengers to climb off before dismounting herself. Fuming, she took out her phone and dialed Kaiba's phone number putting it on speaker so she did not have to remove her helmet and ruin her hair any more than necessary in the rain.

"Kaiba Seto," she said the moment she heard the click of Kaiba answering, "you had better get your skinny ass down here and let us in or I will climb up the walls and smack you silly."

Kaiba snorted. "I'd actually enjoy that, believe it or not."

"Of course you would," Mai sniffed. There was muffled rustling before Oliver answered.

"Hey," he said. "I'm coming to the front door. I'll let you in after I open the garage. You can keep your ride in there."

Mai smiled. "Thanks hon," Mai said smiling. "We're standing under your garage's overhand. It's drizzling out."

"Gotcha. Be out in a few."

Mai hung up and tucked her phone in her pocket before finally removing her helmet and stuffing it into the main storage compartment of her Harpie. "He's coming out to get us," she told her former passengers.

Mokuba nodded and looked up at the looming mansion several yards away determined to get to his brother. Mai squeezed the boy's shoulder comfortingly and glanced at Roland who was still shaking from the ride. She giggled enjoying the faint blush that dusted the older man's face. She could respect the man easily.


She turned and saw Oliver rushing over with an umbrella. He pushed a button on a small handheld device and the garage door behind them opened up.

"Go ahead and put your ride in there. It'll stay dry," he said.

Mai obediently walked her precious Harpie into the garage, propping it up beside a sleek Ferrari. She could not resist sliding her hand over the car before coming back out and ducking under Oliver's umbrella. Together, the four hurried back to the front door of the Queen manor and stepped inside. Oliver shook out the umbrella before dropping it into the umbrella stand to dry out then led the group to the stairs.

"Oliver," a very unwelcome voice called. Biting back his growing annoyance, Oliver turned to his mother and waited for her to continue. "Who are these," she paused when she noticed Mai, "people?"

"Friends of Kaiba's," he said and made to leave again.

"He certainly keeps eclectic company," Moira said, a polite smile on her face.

Mai laughed. "At least he's not friends with a bitch like you," she said. With a wink, she hurried up the steps. Mokuba was biting his lip trying not to laugh. Only Roland managed to keep a straight face.

"She's right," Oliver said. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult my friends. Mother," he added after a moment of hesitation. Then he went up to join the group. "Sorry about that," he said to Mai when he reached them in the hallway.

Mai waved his apology aside. "Hon, I know what to expect from people like her. I may not like it, but I'm used to it. Besides, I find I enjoy it when I'm the one who outsmarts them in the end. And besides," she tossed her hair over her shoulder with a coy smile, "I don't see Sorceress in her name, do you?"

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