Day 2: The Storm

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Hope you enjoy it!

Bens' POV

As the dark clouds were hovering above me waiting to unleash their "bomb", I walked quickly and tried not to slip or fall. As the rain started to pour a panicked and ran for shelter.  

I took my spare map and opened it up, every 5 miles there is a shelter that includes heat tables and a nice 1 room building. I look at my spare map, still, need 3 more miles until we reach a cabin. About 2 more mountains, I kept on walked knowing that the rain might rain down any second. 

As a slight drizzle was raining down I knew that in 10 mins the downpour would be then. When I walked faster and faster until I was running until I heard a faint talking and it was the gang?!

I then was a glimpse of the gang and I ran until I caught onto them, I hen heard small talking from Zoe then Erica and Joshua as well as Mike. I heard parts like, "I knew it!...", "will he do that as his older brother did?", "Do you like-...".  was too far away and wasn't in the mood to eavesdrop on them.   

I walked in and said, "hi".

Erica said icily, "hi",

Zoe said happily, "Hey Ben",   

Mike said "Hey Ben!", 

 I said "well we got to get moving or else we will get ourselves wet", 

They said, "Oh.. yeah we got to get moving...", as I walked forward as the leader of the kicking pack. We kept on walking and walking until we got to the second mountain and it started to downpour. I said, "Everyone, get cover!", as everyone scrambled in different directions. 

I then ran until I got to the peak of the mountain and was planning to get down the other side, but when I tried going for a few steps the rain really started to take a heavy toll on me. I stopped and opened my bag finding my goggles which helped my eyes not get wet. 

As the rain raining harder I couldn't see a few feet in front of me. As I then kept on walking I could hear the drizzle. I then couldn't do anything but set up camp. I tried 5 times to set my tent but it didn't work and I kept on walking until the rain finally stopped. 

As I then too my googles off it was still raining but the sun started to come out, as I looked into my bag for my lunch and dinner I found 3 Mars bars and chucked 2 down my throat and at the last one my body said to save it for when you need it the most. As I then got my map out there were only 3 miles left.

I got my phone out that was an iPhone 11 pro, I called my friend and their signal was lost?! I kept on walking until I was 1 mile I opened half of my wrapper and I hear a rustle in the bush. I jumped to action but it was only the dog I met yesterday. 

I wanted to befriend the dog but he looks very creepy and skinny as well as dirty, but I love dogs too much I outweigh the cons. I took my Mars bar and put half on the ground in front of me, the dog carefully inched closer. When it was at arm's length I reached out while it was eating and was about to pet her when it raised it to head and growled. I knew it was chocolate! I continued to pet it and it seems to like it... I then rubbed its head and in the next 1 hour, it gained my trust. As it seemed to be following me I kept on walking. 

I looked at my map  1 mile left, as the sky got darker I knew it was going to rain again. I was walking up the mountain and as well they started to downpour rain. As I heard the splashing of raindrops I also heard rustling in the bush behind me. I looked and of course, it was Erica.

As I then me up with Erica I then said, "Hi", 

Erica said icily, "hi ben". As we both met up and we then continued to walk to the stop that was only about half a mile away.  As the day got darker and the night was about to rise I noticed Mike, Joshua, and Zoe weren't here. I said, "umm... where did the other three go?", 

She said in her standard icily form, "I don't know and don't care", 

I said, "oh... how about josh?", 

She said slightly blushing, "well, um I don't care about him also", I decide not to push further and continued to walk. As the rain was pouring slightly and the moon was rising I look at my survival list and it said, "set camp before dark". 

As we were still half a mile away from my refuelling store I decided that it was getting dark and shouldn't go forwards. As I then set up my really big tent I saw Erica wasn't doing anything and seemed to be waiting?! I said questioned, "Where is your tent?!", 

She said, "Well I ost it with Joshua... long story", I again didn't push further and I then let her in first since ladies first. As she was done doing her "things" I went in and set up my bunk. As her bunk was on the other side of the tent we were like 5 meters apart so no kissing... whatever. As I turned my lamp off and her as well before I knew it I was asleep. 


Hope you enjoyed it! Please 




(not being pushy) Hi readers how you enjoyed and I how this chapter was great, I hope you liked it and I know short..... 

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