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Ben's POV

As I opened my eyes, but my eyes were as heavy as a rock. I think I been drugged. As I looked around there was rotten wood everywhere the walls were covered in slime. Also, the room was poorly lit the only light was a small candle.

As I looked at the door there was a huge lock and there was a heavy door, it looked like I was in a dungeon with other cells as well. As I sat there for a few seconds Zoe and Agent Ed walked through the heavy door with armed guards.

I thought to myself, "I couldn't beat them up...". As Agent Ed sat down with Zoe and her f*** evil smirk. As Agent Ed then started to talk in a cold voice that made the shivers down my spine, "this room is bugged as well a night vision cameras attacked everywhere so don't try anything stupid". 

As they walked in they held torches up I could see the room better. There were a few things an ancient bed and toilet. As  I then looked at Agent Ed and Zoe, "Sure thing", even though I was going to escape this thing in no time. 

Agent Ed then replied, "good, the questions I am asking you have two ways the hard way or the easy way... okay the first question why where you caught y enemy snipers and my little grand-daughter *Zoe* if there are plans from the CIA what are they?",

I replied, "umm... yeah so I was just taking a walk and met your snipers...", 

Agent Ed then said, "Out base is highly classified so you couldn't have gone there on accident, and only a small part of the CIA knows about our location... I know your lying",

I said, "umm... no..",

Agent Ed shouted, "Bodyguards move Ben to the torture room and stripe him we are going the hard way", I got shoved I was moved to a room with only two guards, I looked into the guard's eyes I was light blue eyes and other one had to spark blue eyes I knew these people just it couldn't go into my head. 

As they stripped me into my undies. As one of them took off their mask. Erica?! She then informed me that she and her sister escaped the cell that they were kept underground. As she then lunged over to me. 

SSR spoilers alert.

I personally was scared like Erica was going to punch me in the guts, but she hugged me... as the hug ended she staggered away and she told me that she owed me that for a long time. As she pulled away I could feel her breath on my cheek. 

As our faces were so close I could kiss her, as I slowly moved closer since if you move too unexpected and fast for Erica, enjoy being on the ground beaten up. As she then quickly mode away and got dressed, Now I know that there is Erica and Trixi Hale.

End of the spoiler alert.

As the door opened Agents went in and agent Ed dragged me to a room where he asked me a bunch of questions which I send out of which I was then torchered a lot. As they then got tired and they stopped torching me. 

As they sent me back it was the same guards. As Trixie handed Erica a small plastic thing. As they placed the plastic thing on the ground. As Erica got a pistol she shot it. BOOM. The floor was blow off with the sound agents were rushing to my cell and observing. 

As Erica and Trixie Hale jumped down I jumped down with them as well. I looked around there was another dark cell with everyone in my gang. They got caught as well except for Cyrus of course.

As Catherine then greeted me sweetly like we weren't in a life-and-death situation instead like a tea party. As Catherine then ramed her shoulder to the wall there was a nice big human-sized hole. As we ran through it into the sunlight. 

As I then told them to follow me since I knew there were big falls somewhere since I marked it down. As I remembered the coordinates. As they followed me we found it, but Croan agents on our tracks armed with shotguns. As one of them aimed it scattered the tree beside me. 

As all of them jumped into the water. I looked back and jumped in. As the agents were on our tail ruing beside the bank and shooting their guns, ut missed every time. As the water got faster the agents were then too slow. 

I looked forwards their different paths. I went into a dark path which had it rocks and they were jagged so that I worry if I would be sliced apart. As I steered myself horribly and luckily got through the small "river". 

As I then looked straight there was a waterfall the one I saw earlier, but I never knew it was this tall. As I then tumbled towards it as it got uncomfortably close. As I dropped through the air....


Readers hope you're enjoying it so far and this book will only have 2 ~3 more chapters until the end. So stay tuned and thanks. Also, remember to...




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