Chapter 6

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Lisa woke up and she wore a hoodie, long pants, braces and glasses. 

As she went down Mina called for her.

"Lisa, you have guest."Mina said

Then Blackpink walked in and Lisa looked at them.

"What are you guys doing here?"Lisa said yawning.

"We are here to just tell you something and then we'll leave."Jennie said

"What is it?"Lisa said 

"Wear something nice today and don't wear glasses or your braces."Jisoo said.

"Do it for yourself and us, we want you to feel good about yourself."Rose said.

"Wait w-"

Before Lisa could finish they left.

"What?"Lisa said

"Lisa, i could help you with your makeup and clothes."Mina said.

"It's okay, i'll just wear my normal clothes."Lisa said

"Come on Lisa, you need to change back to show that your over the brake up and that your strong."Mina said and Lisa thought for a second.

"Okay, fine then, you can do my makeup and clothes."Lisa said and Mina smiled.

"Also, can you dye my hair black and cut it?"


Lisa finished and she was nervous.

"Wow Lisa, you look hot with short and black hair

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"Wow Lisa, you look hot with short and black hair."Mina said

"Thanks, i'm late for school, i need to go, thanks for everything."Lisa said and hugged her and then walked to the door.

"Bye everyone."Lisa said and then ran out the door as everyone waved.


Lisa drove to school and everyone was in class so she ran to her classroom and she opened it and everyone stared at her shocked.


"Lisa, when we said wear something nice and try and don't wear your glasses and braces, we didn't mean for you to cut your hair and dye it but you look HOT!"The girls said

"I just felt like cutting it and dying it and Mina did it."Lisa said

"Who's Mina?"They asked.

"My maid/friend and the one Yoongi was staring at and flirting with, when you guys came to my house."Lisa said smiling as they looked at Yoongi who was blushing.


Yoongi's eyes widened.

"Yeah, Yoongi, i saw you guys staring at each other even though i told all my maids that they cannot date when they are living in my house BUT i can make a exception for my two friends."Lisa said smirking and Yoongi turned even more red.

TRAUMATISED (Lisa x BTS x BLACKPINK)Where stories live. Discover now