💛 Episode 13: Preparation for the Play! 💛

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Nagisa: Hello, everyone! My name's Nagisa!
Haruka: I'm Haruka.
Yuko: I'm Yuko.
Reika: I'm Reika.
Tsubomi: I'm Tsubomi.
Ako: I'm Ako.
Karen: I'm Karen.
The Wonder Prime: We are the Wonder Prime!
Karen: So, what's the plan, Reika?
Reika: I think doing things in common will make our bonds grow even stronger.
Nagisa: Nice idea, Reika! Also, if you guys didn't know, we have four Precure groups in total.
Karen: That would be the Cutie Girls Squad, Joyful Girls Squad, and Wonder Beauty.
Nagisa: What? I never heard of the Cutie Girls Squad before.
Karen: Thanks to Reika, I know everything about the Cutie Girls.
Reika: Yeah. Yayoi (Kise) told me that.
Nagisa: Really?

Scene 1

*One day in Reika's house (located in Nanairogaoka)*
Reika: Guess what guys? I was chosen to help make the props for the Action Play.
Tsubomi: Yes! After school, she must help doing the props.
Nagisa, Haruka, Yuko, Ako, and Karen: Okay.
Nagisa: Where can you, your classmates and the others help?
Reika: Here in my house, though probably only some of my classmates will help me out. Wanna visit here after dismissal?
Nagisa, Haruka, Yuko, Ako, and Karen: Uh?
Haruka: Let me help you, Reika.
Reika: Really?! But what about your assignments?
Haruka: That's okay! I don't have class tomorrow.
Ako: Same here. When is the play by the way?
Reika: Three days from now. The play will be in the theater.
Nagisa: Which theater?
Reika: Honestly, in the Garden of Rainbows. *To Nagisa* Nagisa, you navigate the way.
Nagisa: Okay.
Karen: Well, Reika, let us help you with the props.
Yuko: We can't just watch you struggling.
Tsubomi: Yuko has a point, Reika. Please, tell us what to do.
Reika: Okay, okay, but I have to ask my classmates' permission first.
Chypre: Is it advisable, Reika?
Reika: Yeah. They will get shocked once I let someone else meddle with our problems.
Nagisa: That's fine if they don't let us help you. No pressure.
Mepple: Indeed ~mepo.
Dodory: Sadly, Mepple, you can't help Reika and the others ~dodo. We must stay out of sight ~dodo.
Tiry: True ~titi.
Mepple: Why ~mepo? *To himself* Darn it.

Scene 2

*The next day in Reika's classroom (located in Sukoyaka University)*
Tsubomi: So, Reika, what's your plan?
Reika: I honestly don't know, Tsubomi. The only thing I know is that my classmates and I will make props inside my house later in the afternoon.
Tsubomi: Good thing that Haruka agreed. Wait. Only Ako and Haruka will help you out?
Reika: Maybe.
Mayu (Kashiwada): *To Reika* Hello, Reika.
Reika: Mayu. What is it?
Mayu: Are we really going to your house to work for the props?
Reika: Yes.
Mayu: *To Tsubomi* I saw you the other day. Who are you again?
Tsubomi: Tsubomi Hanasaki.
Mayu: I see. *To Reika* Reika, I have to go to the other side.
Reika: Okay!
*Mayu left the scene*
Tsubomi: *To Reika* Anyways, I have to go back to the classroom. My classmates need me with my assignments. *leaves*
Reika: Bye, Tsubomi!
Mayumi (Nagase): *To Reika* Reika, am I going to help you later? Would that be okay if Kana (Katsuki) will be with me later?
Reika: Uh, sure.
*While in the hallway*
Chypre: Tsubomi, are you sure that Reika's classmates will help her do the props?
Tsubomi: Yes, Chypre. Shhh! Don't talk here. Everyone might hear you.
Chypre: Sorry.
Tsubomi: If only Erika (Kurumi) never followed Hime (Shirayuki) in order to be in the same school.
Chypre: I hate to say this but Erika is so clingy towards Hime.
Tsubomi: Wait! I have to go back to my classroom immediately! *runs*

Scene 3

*While in Minor Land*
*The Siren Team eats a biscuit*
Bass: Ugh! Precures!
Flat: I hate to say this but I guess we have to split up in order to find the notes faster.
Bass: Excellent idea, Flat.
Treble: Well, I prefer to be with Flat when finding notes.
Bass: Let me find them myself! You can trust me!
Flat and Treble: Okay!
Treble: But, our deal is that I'm the next one to summon the Negatone.
Bass: Is that so? Sorry.
Flat: Looks like Bass is the forgetful one.
Bass: Shut up!
*Several hours later in Reika's house (in Nanairogaoka)*
Reika: *checks all the paints, paintbrushes, and the cardboard**looks at the unfinished shields and swords* Finally! Some props are now finished. *sighs* Should I rally Nagisa and the others to help me tomorrow or what?
*Candy makes a scene*
Candy: Um, Reika?
Reika: Yes, Candy?
Candy: Well, tomorrow, I got to stay in Miyuki's house, and then I'll go back to Hibiki's ~kuru. I bet you have a problem today. What is it ~kuru?
Reika: The play will be on Thursday. My classmates and I were counted by the director to prepare for the theater play. Some students from the other schools helped us with the props and costumes.
Candy: Is that the reason why you called me here ~kuru?
Reika: I think so.
Candy: It's good thing that Himari (Arisugawa) and Yayoi (Kise) brought me here earlier just to visit you, Reika.
Reika: I can't decide if I'll bring my friends tomorrow to help me. I have to ask any one of my classmates if they agree.
Candy: Okay, then.

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