💛 Episode 43: Yuko's 1-hour Cooking! 💛

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Tsubomi: Hello, everyone! My name is Tsubomi. I'm from the Wonder Prime! Isn't this great? I already get used to have lots of friends who could comfort me much, but speaking of friends, I would like to invite my friends from Wonder Beauty...
*Ciel and Nozomi makes a scene*
Ciel: Bonjour! I'm Ciel!
Nozomi: I'm Nozomi!
Tsubomi: Hi there, Girls! It seems that you guys make it on time.
Nozomi: Where are your two best friends?
Tsubomi: Ako and Haruka? They're fine!
Nozomi: I guess you're lucky that those two love you for who you are.
Ciel: Yes! But you should pick a right friend who is loyal to you. I hope you'll stay with them no matter what happened.
Tsubomi: Don't worry. I will stick with them at all times.
Nozomi: How sweet. So, I guess you three might be like me and Ciel, who treat each other like sisters.
Tsubomi: That might be great too.

Scene 1

*One day in the Omori Rice (in Pikarigaoka)*
*Yuko serves food to the customers*
Ai (Omori): *To Yuko* Yuko, I can handle this.
Yuko: Are you sure, Big Sis?
Ai: Yes! You have to study for your quiz on Monday.
Yuko: Right. I'm sorry!
Ai: Don't tell me you're going to prepare for 1-hour Cooking Competition in Concourse.
Yuko: Yes! I wanna represent this shop. Many shops will also join the 1-hour Cooking Competition.
Ai: You don't have to. Let me handle it.
PhanPhan: Ai, please let Yuko join.
Ai: PhanPhan, Yuko is still a student. Joining a Cooking Competition in open spaces is a... Never mind. *To Yuko* Yuko, I let you join to that Competition.
Yuko: Are you sure, Big Sis?
Ai: Yes, Yuko. I know that you will take over this shop after you graduate from college.
Yuko: Yes! Thank you, Big Sis! You're the best! *hugs Ai*
*Seiji (Sagara) makes a scene*
Seiji: Are you going to join, Yuko?
Yuko: Yes, Seiji. Anyways, what brings you here?
Seiji: Your older sister called me.
Yuko: Why?
Ai: Yuko, Seiji will assist you. You're going to buy ingredients for the Cooking Competition.
Yuko: You're saying that you allowed me from the start.
Ai: Of course. I pretended that I won't allow you to join at first because I wanted to surprise you.
PhanPhan: Jeez, Ai! You are so sneaky and playful.
Seiji: Miss Ai really is sneaky from the start.
PhanPhan: Yeah. *To Yuko* So, what category did you pick?
Yuko: Hot Desserts, Main Dish, and Appetizer.
PhanPhan: Very well. *To Seiji* Seiji, take care of Yuko, okay?
Yuko: PhanPhan, you have to come with me.
PhanPhan: Okay, fine!
Seiji: I guess this is settled. *To AI* Miss Ai, shall we go now?
Ai: Sure thing, Seiji. Good luck, you two!
Seiji and Yuko: Alright!
Ai: Do you have money, Yuko? I will lend you some if you don't have.
Yuko: No need, Big Sis. I have a money.
Ai: Are you sure?
Yuko: Yes!

Scene 2

*2 hours later in the grocery store*
*Seiji drags a cart that contains 4 large grocery bags*
Yuko: Are you sure you can handle this?
Seiji: Yes, Yuko! Don't worry about me!
Yuko: It seems that you exert much.
Seiji: Look, Yuko! Do you think I don't handle this? I helped you guys fight against the forces of evil despite not being a Precure like you. Don't underestimate me just because I'm a regular human.
Yuko: Okay, fine.
PhanPhan: It reminds me of the time I battled with the Cures.
Seiji: Really?
PhanPhan: Yeah. I did such evil things in the past. I did my best to forget everything, but you open this topic up. I just wanted to move on.
Seiji: Right. Sorry if I was quite insensitive, PhanPhan. I can't help it but to remind Yuko that I'm capable to do extraordinary things.
Yuko: PhanPhan, always remember that you're a good person. The Phantom we knew is long dead. You should keep it in your mind, okay?
PhanPhan: Alright.
*Sara (Amamiya) makes a scene*
Sara: *To Yuko* Hello, Yuko!
Yuko: Uh, Hi? You must be... Sara Amamiya?
Sara: Yes! How did you know?
Yuko: It doesn't matter how I knew your name.
Seiji: Anyways, are you the friend of Yuko?
Sara: The opposite! I'm her nemesis.
PhanPhan: Will you please back off? Don't make a scene here!
Sara: Do you think I'll listen to you, you meddling fairy? *gasps* It seems that I'll use Yuko's friend as my minion. *To Seiji* You know what? You're handsome.
Seiji: Uh, thank you?!
Yuko: Don't involve Seiji here. He's innocent!
Sara: I don't care! I need him!
Yuko: *To Seiji* Seiji, Run!
Seiji: What? Why do I have to run?
Sara: Do your worst, Otoru! *throws a jewel at Seiji*
*Seiji turns into a Lunch Box Otoru (a human-sized monster)*
Otoru: *laughs* I will beat those meddling warriors who are against my master ~oto!
*The townspeople flee upon seeing the Otoru*
Yuko: Oh, no!
PhanPhan: That is the strangest monster I've ever seen!
*Francis makes a scene*
Francis: Yuko, good thing I caught up!
Yuko: Francis, what are you doing here?
Francis: I'm here to greet you of course. I guess this scenario brought us together.
Sara: At last, you came, Francis. Wanna see the battle between Yuko and my monster?
Francis: What kind of question is that, Sara? *To Yuko* Yuko, you better transform right now!
Yuko: Okay! *takes out her transformation item*
*Yuko's PreChanMirror opens up and her reflection appears in it*
Yuko: Time to Change!
*Yuko spins around while her hair changes to yellow*
*Yuko leaps onto the PreCard and the other two cards overlap and she then pushes it down into the mirror*
Yuko: Pretty Cure! *presses the button* Spinning Mirror Change! *raises her PreChanMirror as the latter shows Cure Honey's image on the card*
*the yellow light shines from the heart*
*Yuko's Transformation Sequence*
Cure Honey (Yuko): *while drawing a clover* The light of life flourishing on the Earth, *while twirling her baton* Cure Honey! (Daichi ni minoru inochi no hikari! Kyua Hanī!) *poses*

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