The Letter

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Hey John,

I figured it would be the right decision to answer your letter.

Do you remember the bookworm from elementary? The one that was crazy smart and moved away?

Well, she's still a nerd, but she's also my girlfriend.

We did something catastrophically stupid (you'll hear the rumors soon enough... just know they're true) but I wouldn't have it any other way.

The beauty of friendship is helping each other, and you're a great friend because you helped me accept who I am, not just the gay parts.

I got kicked out because of my homophobic as shit counselor and a few other broken rules. Yeah, John, I messed up SO MUCH that they didn't want to take my family's money any longer. I did win an art competition, though don't think I'll be seeing a dime of the grant.

I don't know where I'm going after this. If I end up in military school you better phone me. I'm determined to be friends no matter what kind of trouble I get into.

And trust me, they'll be no end to my mischievous ways.

Not love,


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