How Am I Supposed To Live Without You

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~Michael Bolton~

A few hours, some sleep, and several more questions later, the jet finally landed at the airport near the tower. They descended from the plane together, Peter pointing out Happy and coming up with a feeble excuse about how he knew him, then clutched the seat belts tightly as Happy broke several speed laws in order to make the hour-long trip to the tower only last ten minutes. It only occurred to the two of them later in the evening that it probably would have been fine for Peter to not hold on, they'd get used to it eventually.

Instead of Tony greeting them, as they'd expected, it was Natasha - who'd stayed with team iron man after meeting Peter - and before he could stop himself Peter yelled, "Мама паук!" Harley's eyes widened, 'we're talking about this later' then catching up to Nat as she began showing them around. When they had finished the tour she ordered them a late lunch/early dinner and while they waited she rang someone and talked to them fluently in Russian for a few minutes. Peter translated including her assessment of Harley, who then jumped in with an, "Excuse me! Hearing everything you're saying! Do not appreciate being talked about!"

Natasha whirled around, hurriedly ending the call, "I can explain over food." Somewhat unfortunately for her, the food arrived just as she finished saying this, but her spy skills were useful in this situation and she already had the explanation prepared, "You know how you were invited here? It's because Stark's 'intern' - more like son - was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and died because of it." They all winced, that was a rather blunt way of putting it. "He realised how much he needed family, and that's what you are to him, so here you are."

Having only gotten about 10 hours of sleep within the past 48 hours Harley was already passed out by the time Tony arrived. Or at least that's what they both assumed from his breathing pattern, slow and steady. Technically he was chatting with Peter again while eavesdropping on them, 'So... About the мама паук thing?'
'Yeah, I was an intern for Mr Stark... Not his son, though, it was nothing like that. Now get some sleep, I've tried it and not sleeping does not go well, besides I'll tell you what Nat and Mr Stark talk about if you sleep."

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