The 1st Day - A Dude Stuck in a Fake Tree

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A few weeks after Thanksgiving, Lucifer stopped by Chloe's apartment to see her. They worked together for the last two weeks, but they really haven't had much time to spend as a couple since Thanksgiving dinner, so he decided to pop by and see what she was up to. 

He knocked once, and when the door didn't open right away, he let himself in. 

The blaring of music greeted his ears and he began to grin, wondering what kind of shenanigans the detective was getting up to, but then he listened to a few of the lyrics.

I don't want a lot of Christmas, this is all I'm asking for!

Was that...Mariah Carey? Oh the detective's taste in music just gets worse and worse! Lucifer thought as he stepped further into the apartment.

Looking around, he saw that the apartment was uncharacteristically untidy. Not how Maze used to leave it with stoned people and booze every where. There were boxes, bags, and totes everywhere. Was the detective moving and never told him about it?

Speaking of...where is she?

"Detective?" Lucifer called over Carey. 

Suddenly, a rustling came from some of the bags in the family room. Lucifer took a cautious step toward the movement.

Trixie popped up from a pile of bags with a beaming smile lighting up her face. Her hair was in space buns and she worse black leggings and a t-shirt with a graphic design of ice-skating polar bears.

"Lucifer!" She yelled. 

Lucifer gasped and then recomposed himself. It was only the urchin. 

"Urchin, what the bloody hell is going on? And where's your mother?" He called out loudly as he carefully made his way through the minefield of boxes. 

Trixie said something as she searched through bags, but Lucifer couldn't make it out. 

"What?" He yelled. 

He saw movement next to him on the stairs, and as soon as he moved his head, the volume in the room lowered by several decibels. 

"Sorry, sorry," Chloe panted as she ran down the stairs. "I think that's all of it, Trix."

"I can't fine the stockings!" Trixie complained. 

"They've gotta be in there somewhere." Chloe huffed, "We don't have anymore Christmas boxes!"

She turned to Lucifer with a pleased smile crawling up her face. 

"Hi," She greeted lightly. 

"Hello," He purred and they bent in for a small kiss.

Lucifer asked, "What's going on here?"

"Oh," Chloe rolled her eyes and shook her head, "I've been promising Trixie for days that we'd decorate for Christmas."

Eavesdropping, Trixie argued, "Um, no, I've been asking for months and you've been 'too busy'." She sarcastically emphasized her words with air quotes. If it were up to me, we would've decked these halls right after Halloween. But nnnnooooo, you wanted to wait until after Thanksgiving!"

Chloe turned back to look at her daughter, "It's too early to decorate before Thanksgiving!"

"No it's not!" Lucifer and Trixie argued. 

Chloe cocked an eyebrow at Lucifer. 

"What?" He shrugged, "You go through all this work, just to have it up for one holiday. Why not put it up earlier so that you can enjoy it longer?"

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