true light makes a spark

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Chapter 10


So, in less than twenty four hours I was;

One. Picked up from the police station and taken to spend the night at my social workers place because I had nowhere to stay.

Two. I had a hellish nightmare only to wake up and relive it almost to the T.

Three. I was almost stabbed, probably to death by her psycho boyfriend upon making the dumb decision to go to her rescue.

Four. I’m taken to a weirdly extravagant home in the middle of nowhere only to find it inhabits VAMPIRES AND WITCHES!!

    Oh, and I’m apparently not even human.

As if man, how did I end up in this place freak show?
I can’t believe this, it has to be a dream.

That’s it. It’s all I dream, I’m still asleep on Sam’s. I’m still in bed. Having another one of my weird dreams
Any minute now I was going to wake, and everything would be back to normal. Well as normal as my life can get.

Come on, come on. Wake up. Wake up.

I shut my eyes tight and balled my hand up in fists to bestir myself from this annoyingly realistic reverie.

A dreadful revelation had come to me in the form of prickling pain from my finger nails against the thick skin of my palms from my curled up extremity.

This wasn’t a dream.

That meant I was in a mansion full of monsters.


I was so wrapped up in my internally situated panic attack that I hadn’t noticed everyone turn their attention back onto the stage, where the witch now stood. Apparently as dazed as I am as the woman beside her that I knew as the head Narvana lady was giving an animated speach (one that I heard little to nothing of) with a look, that to unaccustomed eyes would seem prideful and sincere, but I could see right through it that woman could care less about her. It was all for show. And I knew show.

“Now, without further ado..’’ “Choose…” with that the concocted narrative was concluded.

The girl, I not so long ago thought was for certain the most beautiful being I had ever laid eyes on, stood in front of four short uplifted pillars that seemed to holding instruments.

Oh, she was going to play now. I internally rolled my eyes as the panicked was considerably diluted in me to morph into suddenly peeked intrigue.

I watched as she hovered her fingers over the piano to her left a while before moving to the guitar, she looked up to the audience a few times and I followed her gaze to Ellis, who promptly smiled back and gave her a curt nod, and then moved further along the line without touching the stringed apparatus, along the line to the third object, an inky harmonica. She held it in her hands for while subconsciously twisting it as her mind seemed somewhere other than on that podium. A sad look took over her features for a mere second, but she quickly warped it back to its previous case of semi nonchalance.

“What is she doing?” I looked at Ellis who now looked reckless as he questioned no one in particular.

She didn’t seem to notice the fourth article, or if she did she didn’t pay it any attention as she put it back down. And turned in the opposite direction.

This is weird, why wasn’t she playing on anything, wasn’t that why she was up there.

Well if I had listened up earlier instead of convince myself that this wasn’t real I would’ve known. I thought credulously.

The way she stopped in her heed and detoured back to her right.

It all happened so quickly, but it felt as though it were a decade as she picked the item up to reveal a very old, very valuable looking violin. The edges where embellished with emeralds of the darkest green that shone when they caught the light from that bewildering chandelier.

The chandelier, it had changed colour, now it was pulsing blue. I didn’t know they could do that. The light bulbs must be… wait, there weren’t any light bulbs??

Oh yh, silly me I forgot that this place was a lair of sorcerers. Of course they’d have magic lights.

The sound of the music wafted into my ears sounding as magical as I now knew the one playing it was. It enchanted me as much as she had, it did things to my mortal minds which I couldn’t describe, only feel and take in. but I felt connected to something by it. I felt it pull at the strings of my consciousness promising to take me to a place I desired most. In my mind I saw myself in my old home, the real one not the ones I was put in. beside me were my parents they were laughing at something I had apparently said, I too had a smile on my face, a real one that didn’t pulled down the strain I felt from the weight that was placed on me at such a ripe age. It was one I can’t ever remember sporting in the long years I had been alone.

As sudden and overtaking as it had come, it was gone, and I felt empty as though I had been having a prodigious dream only to be woken by an invisible hand shacking my shoulder, and how I hated that hand.

Everyone else seemed to be still in a similar state as the one I had been in not even a moment ago. All except one.

Even though he was unmistakably in a trance, Collin Musker didn’t look as if he was lost in his own mind. He looked lost in something else, someone else. I followed his gaze to find that he was indeed not under the spell of the music, but the person that created it.


Their behaviour towards each other earlier would have led anyone to think that they barely tolerated each other. But that’s not what I saw in his glazed eyes now. Now I saw admiration, adoration, want.

As swiftly as what happened to me, the look was gone, just like that he was pulled out of a dream, a bucket of reality was poured on top of whatever lucid thought had sculpted that smile on his face, leaving him to mop up the confusion it left behind.

Then slowly everyone around us too were awoken from their hazed contemplation, one by one the film was lifted. And one by one they looked up to that foreboding master peace. As it changed from one magnificent colour to another. The metamorphosis accelerating in speed which made some of them whisper and gasp in awe, or maybe apprehension.

First the music stopped.

Then time.

Then she opened her eyes.

What the...

They were as bright a chartreuse as the emeralds that bejewelled the instrument in her hands.

There wasn’t even enough time to begin to comprehend what had just seen before a blinding light blazed a luminosity great enough to soak the entire room.

And as the laws of nature, after light came the sound.

Lightning and thunder from the roofed sky we were under issued from the same thing that captured our sights a mere seconds ago. Or was it hours?
And then deifying the laws it had just followed, the light that froze after bursting scattered once more giving of its final rainbow before decapitating. Into the walls? In to the people? I couldn’t tell.

But that was all my forsaken sanity could handle as I rushed to stand from my position on the ground, that I didn’t even remember falling to and ran as fast as my feeble legs could take me in there petrified condition though the damned chambers doors.

This was way too much!

This was insane.

And I wasn’t staying until I was too.



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