Chapter 13

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Tommy's POV

A few days after Addy and I started talking again I let it slip that I was cutting again, I don't know why I said it and I know for sure that Addy will be very disappointed in me.

I'm disappointed in myself for what happened. I know Addy was trying to help me and I shouldn't have gone off at him like that so one day when I put Edna down for her nap I walk into my safe zone and pull my friend out again but this time I keep cutting as this voice inside my head is telling me that Addy will never forgive me for what I said and did. I think to myself I'm sorry baby girl hopefully Adam will look after you and I'm sorry Adam please look after our baby girl. Last thing I remember before blacking out is my little girl screaming. I was to lightheaded to move and to lethargic so I don't move to get my little girl before the darkness takes me.

As I come too again I can hear Addy singing this song that I have never heard of. I squeeze his hand and he looks down at me and says hey sexy so glad you're ok. I'm so sorry for what I did can you please forgive me. I nod my head and struggle to sit. So Adam helps me to sit up carefully.

Just as I sit up a nurse walks in and says you're awake Mr Ratliff? I nod my head and say how did I get here and where is my little girl? Addy looks at me and tells me what happened. I feel bad that I did that but I'm glad Adam felt the need to come and see if we were ok.

Addy cuddled into me and just held me. It felt so good being back in his arms again. We dozed off to sleep in each other's arms like we used to do.

The next morning, I woke up with Addy's arms still around me and my head on his chest. I move my head a bit to kiss his chest and Adam moves underneath me. He kisses the top of my head and says morning my sexy baby. I can't help the smile that comes to my face as he says that.

During the day Adam sent a message to Neil seeing if he could bring Edna in. I miss my little girl much, come to think of it I have missed Adam. I turn to him and say can you come home please we have missed you. Especially me, please babe I need you with me. Adam says of course I will as soon as you are released. I'm not going anywhere until you are out of here. I nod my head glad that he is going to move back home.

That afternoon just after the doctor came in and said I could home, Neil came in with my precious little girl. As soon as she sees us she scream daddy Dam. Neil puts her down just after Adam got of the bed and crouched down to her level. Edna runs into his arms and says Dam you fix daddy. Adam nodded his head and said I sure did baby girl and daddy can go home tomorrow so if you want how about Dam comes home and we be a family again would you like that baby girl? Edna nods her head and says yes me want Dam and daddy home. I miss daddy and Dam.

Adam picks her up and sits back on the bed with her in his arms. She leans over and says daddy. I hold my arms out and Addy lets her go and says careful of daddy's arms baby girl. She nods her head and cuddles into my chest. I look up at Neil and say thank you for watching her for us. Neil says it's ok we had fun she was a good girl for me.

Adam looks up at him and said can you maybe come and gets us tomorrow? Neil says yeah I will come to get you, you just let me know what time. Adam says yeah I will let you know.

Adam gets off the bed and says to Edna do you want to come with Dam and get some dinner for us? Edna nods her head and looks at me and says can I get nuggies please daddy? I nod my head and say it's ok with me but you need to ask Dam in case he wasn't going there. She looks over at Adam and said Dam can I have nuggies pease? Adam laughs and nods his head and says sure thing baby girl. Adam looks at Neil and said can I have the keys to Tommys car please? Neil nods his head and hands over my keys. Adam kisses me on the lips and says won't be long my sexy glitter baby, I will bring some dinner back. I nod my head as Neil comes to sit on the chair by my bed.

Neil looks at me and says I'm glad you and Addy sorted things out he was miserable without you and Edna. I nod my head and say I was too but I just couldn't bring myself to say sorry to him. He hurt me with what he said last weekend. Neil says yeah I get that but you know he only did it to help you and because he loves you. I nod my head and say yeah I know and I love him too. I don't want to think what would have happened if Adam didn't come to check on me the other night. Neil nods his head and says he was worried about you when you didn't text him.

Neil and I just sat there talking until we hear a commotion in the hall, and I look up to see a doctor trying to come in the room, but Addy's security wouldn't let him. Neil gets up and goes to the door and says what's the problem here. I hear one of Addy's security guys saying that Addy didn't want the doctor in the room and the doctor said he is my patient.

I was about to get up but Addy turned up and sorted it out. He said to the doctor I gave you a choice I see you have not listened to me when I said Tommy is my boyfriend and we don't want you in there.

I see Adam walk back in the room with bags of food and Neil walks back in with Edna is his arms. I look over at Adam and said who was that babe? Adam looks at me and said just the scumbag doctor you had before who tried to keep us away from each other, he was here when we bought you in and he tried to tell me to wait in the waiting room. Then when I came back after saying goodbye to Edna and Neil he tried to tell you that you are better off with him then me. I look at Adam and say I want to be with you not him please don't ever let anyone tell you different. Now where is my food I'm hungry. Adam laughs and hands me my dinner then he got Edna settled next to me and gave her, her nuggets.

The next day when the doctor tells me I can go home I jumped off the bed and said to Addy lets go home so we can be a proper family again. Adam laughs and says yeah we can but first we need to call Neil as he has your car. I look at Adam and say we need to get another car seat to put in your car just in case something happens. Adam nods his head and said yeah, we will go and get one maybe tomorrow if you're up to it. You need to rest my sexy glitter baby. I don't want anything to happen to you again so you're going to take it easy. I nod my head and head over to get my clothes so I can get dressed. Adam walks over so he can help me. He looks at me and says you're so beautiful and sexy. I love looking at your body and your face. I love you so much and I'm glad that you forgive me for what I did.

I put my arms around him and say I know you were trying to help so we could have some time alone and I promise you that I will pay attention to you as well.

After we get home Adam settled me on the lounge to rest so he could unpack his bag that he took to Neil's. I'm just lying there resting watching Edna playing with some toys. I'm just dozing off to sleep when I feel someone climb on me. I look down and see Edna climbing on me so I move my hand so she cuddle into my chest.

I doze off to sleep with my baby girl cuddled into me.

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