Chapter 15

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Tommy's POV

As Adam got off the phone from his manager the night I got out of hospital and he told me about the benefit concert I was so proud of him for being one of the head artists and also for doing it.

He asked me to go with him, but I have Edna and I don't really like her being exposed to the media just yet. It's bad enough that I am. I want to protect my daughter as much as I can. I know Adam will protect us as much as he can.

The next morning, I woke up after I had a nightmare, and the house was so quiet. I got up and went downstairs to think about the nightmare.

That's how Adam found me later just thinking about it. Adam asked me what was wrong, and I told him. Adam told me to go and get dressed as we are going out. He even got Edna dressed for me. It feels so good having him back with us. He is even doing a lot more for Edna to take the strain off me for that I'm grateful.

As we get to mall and start the walk into the shops, we see this guy with a camera come up to us. Adam pulls me into his side tighter and makes sure Edna is ok in my arms until he comes up and starts taking photos in my face. I cringe back a bit and Adam grabs Edna from me and pulls me behind him. I grab a hold of the belt loops to his leather pants he has on. Let me tell those pants do wonders to his sexy arse and I'm not minding the view at all in fact I could stay here all day but unfortunately I can't because after Adam dealt with the guy taking photos he pulled me back into his side.

We get to a jewellery store and Adam stops and says babe you take Edna into the toy store and I will meet you in there. I nod my head and take my baby girl into my arms again so she can choose her toy. Let me tell you what a mistake that was. She found this toy that was too young for her but right nor wrong she wanted it. It got to the point she was crying because I said no., I was getting so stressed and was near tears myself.

I was so glad when Adam came back because he defused the situation by also telling Edna it was too young and that he would help her find something else. I smiled at him hoping he would get my hidden meaning in the smile. As much as to say thank you.

Adam grabbed my hand, and we went in search of her toy.

After we got her toy and the car seat for Addy's car, we started on our way home until we spotted a carnival and Edna started begging us to take her. Adam pulled into the parking area and parked the car as close to the gate as he could get.

We hopped out and Adam said to Edna come on baby girl Dam take you on the rides to give daddy a break. I sent him that smile again. I was starting to get stressed out again. My daughter can be a handful when she wants to be, and she was in the toy store.

I sit on a seat and watch them go on some rides and take some photos off them having fun. I took one of Adam smiling at our baby girl and she was smiling back. They looked so cute doing that. I set that as my home screen so I could see it every day.

After the rides we played some of the games and I won a stuffed toy dog that I'm naming Eta.

When we got back home Adam put Edna straight down for a nap while I went to take a shower. As I got out of the shower Adam was walking into the room.

I laid on the bed as I was tired after the morning we have had, and Adam laid down on his side next to me and said lay on your stomach babe. I did as he asked, and he pulled some lotion from his drawer and started to massage my back. I literally melted into the bed it felt that good. Actually, it felt amazing and took the stress away of the past 3 to 4 months.

As Adam finished his message, I was nearly asleep he relaxed me that much. Adam got up to wash his hands and came back to lie on the bed with me. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head and said I love you so much my sexy glitter baby. That was the last I heard as I fell asleep back in the arms of the man I love.

I awoke about an hour later to Edna jumping on my stomach. I look down as I was Lying on top of the covers and couldn't remember putting pants on but luckily Adam must have after I fell asleep.

I turn to Adams side of the bed and find it empty, but I hear the shower running so I know he is having a shower. I put Edna on the bed and said don't move baby girl daddy will be back.

I walk into the ensuite bathroom and say to Adam babe Edna is in our room you might want to put a towel or something on. Adam opens the shower door and says ok babe thanks for that.

After Adam had his shower and was dressed, he went and gave Edna a bath while I chose her outfit for dinner. I have no idea where we are going but from the looks of Adam it's somewhere nice as he has his leather pants back on with a button up shirt. He made me put my nice jeans on with a button up as well.

I found a little black dress with purple butterfly on it. I laid that on her bed and found her black sandals. Adam literally bought her whole wardrobe because the clothes my bitch of an ex bought with her were full of holes. They looked like burn marks, so we threw them out.

We get to this nice restaurant on the outskirts of the city and we walked in with Adam carrying Edna and holding my hand. He says to the waiter booking for Lambert. The waiter nods his head and leads us over to a table with a booster seat for Edna. Adam thought of everything he is so good.

During our meal we just talk for a bit then Edna started telling Adam that she missed him when he was away. She finished off with please don't go away again Dam. Daddy and I were sad. Daddy was crying because you weren't there. I look at her dumb founded as how she knew I cried I don't know.

Just before we ordered dessert Adam grabbed my hand and said my sexy glitter baby, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I hope you forgive me and accept and wear this as a token of how much I love you. He pulled a small box from his jacket pocket and handed it to me. I open it up and see a beautiful black and silver ring inside. I pull it out and Adam says babe this is a promise ring to show you that I will marry you very soon. You and your daughter are my life. I love you both so much.

I hand the ring to Adam and he puts it on my right hand as he says those words. I can't help the tears that come to my eyes at what he said and did.

I'm so thankful for everything he is doing for not only me but my baby girl as well.

Adam says to me when we get married, I would like to start the ball rolling on legally adopting Edna. I want you both to be mine. I don't want Edna's mum to try and take her back. Babe that environment was not good for her.

I can't help but jump into his lap and hug him. I kiss him and say thank you so much for helping her and wanting to legally adopt her. I think we should look into it soon. Find out how long it takes.

Adam cuddles me into his arms tighter and says ok we will.

We get home and Edna is asleep, so I gently take off her clothes and put her to bed. I wonder into our room to get ready for bed myself only to get pinned to the closed door by Adam. He starts kissing and sucking bright purple marks into my neck. Each time he finishes one he will say I'm sorry.

As Adam kept up the marks on my neck, I couldn't help the moans that escapes my lips and by this time I am literally hard and aching. I'm that hard.

I move my arms from Adams sides and start to undo his shirt and leather pants. Then I do the same to my clothes.

After we lay sweaty and sated coming down from our highs, I can't help but look at the ring on my finger. I fall asleep with my amazing boyfriend cuddled next to me and the biggest smile on my face. I can't help it, 4 months ago I thought I gained my daughter but lost my soul mate but here I am with my daughter and my soul mate. I vow to myself that I will do whatever I can to keep them by my side for years to come.

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