Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: The cake is a lie. Also, I don't own anything.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is the third story in a series and it is highly advisable to read at least the first one so that you know what the hell is going on, I'm saying this again because maybe you didn't read the description.

Feel free to disregard this, but ye shall be mightily confused if you do so.


Akitsu stared ahead morosely, her thoughts just going around in random circles. She was cold, dressed as she was in nothing but panties and a bloodied lab coat, but felt no particular impulse to go anywhere warmer. Her butt also felt sore from sitting on the hard park bench for so long, but she couldn't be bothered to move.

What was the point? She had escaped from the labs after the incompotent MBI adjustor had caused her to become incapable of winging, but for what? At the time she'd just run out of fear and instinct, but once that had passed she had lost the will to move.

Without the ability to have an Ashikabi, she had no purpose and no reason to go find food, shelter or warm clothing. So she kept on sitting the cold, hard bench as she had been doing for the past several hours despite the protests of her body. She didn't want to die, but as a scrapped number, she had no reason to exist. Nobody would want a broken Sekirei after all.

"What happened to you to make you so sad?" A deep voice with a distinct sub-vocal growl to it asked a lot more gently than you would expect such a voice to be capable of.

Akitsu blinked sleepily and looked towards the speaker that had somehow crept up on her without her noticing, though she hadn't really been paying attention either.

A big man, much bigger than her and full of muscle that was easily visible thanks to his open haori and lack of shirt. A mane of bright golden hair fell down to his waist and the hilt of a sword was visible over his shoulder, those were far from being his most distinct features though. No, that honor definitely belonged to the horns on his head and the fiery color of his slitted eyes, which were oddly compassionate in spite of their predatory look.

The people that were responsible for giving the Sekirei a basic education only made passing mentions of religion. Consequently, the demonic appearance of the man meant nothing to her.

Having no reason to refuse answering him, she spoke in her usual halting way. "Broken…scrapped number. I can't be winged."

Turning her eyes away, she expected that the odd man would leave now. She knew that most humans wouldn't know what that meant, but her limited exposure to the species had told her that they tended to be rather self absorbed. She'd never seen a human that looked like that, but didn't care enough to think too hard about it either. No matter if the man was human or not, her problem still stood.

"Well, that doesn't mean a damn thing to me." She heard him saying with some amusement in his voice. A brief flicker of irritation welled up in her before being drowned out by depression. She just didn't have it in her right now to muster any anger over being laughed at.

"Would you like to come with me? You look like you could use some food and a bath. I won't hurt you, I promise."

The sincere tone and offer caused her to look up at him again, though her depressed, sleepy expression still didn't change. "You…want me?" She asked quietly, just the faint tinge of disbelieving hope in the words.

"I'd like to take care of you." He answered honestly. Normally he might have made a joke about the suggestive sounding words, but even he could tell that this was a bad time. The depression that was practically rolling off the girl was enough of a clue on that count. "Do you want me to take you away from here?"

Sekirei? Is that some new species of little sister? by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now