Chapter 11

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Sanada Nishi stared at Naruto and the bodies of three of his Sekirei in a state of shock, grief and rage.

Chiyo, Yūna, and Hatae had been near impossible to control lately, constantly looking for an excuse to kill someone and they'd finally snapped just a short while ago. Back when he'd first winged them, he would have usually gone to find them a Sekirei to fight so that they could work off the rage, but that wasn't an option anymore.

Ever since Uzumaki had taken over, fights between Sekirei tended to get interrupted and the instigating Ashikabi often ended up separated from his Sekirei. People had learned to keep their heads down fairly quick, especially after an e-mail from MBI had gone out, informing people that the Sekirei Plan was officially canceled.

Of course, the more combative Sekirei hadn't liked it and the ones like Chiyo, Yūna and Hatae outright hated it, so there was the occasional problem from that direction.

He had tried everything he could think off to get them to calm down, but nothing had worked. Talking to them had been useless, they would obey his orders but otherwise had no interest in conversation. Attempting to take them on a date had been a disaster, they just kept looking for threats so they'd have an excuse to kill someone. He'd even been desperate enough to try having a tak about feelings and telling them that he loved them, but all he'd gotten was an uncomprehending stare.

It made him want to pull his hair out. Everything that he knew about Sekirei told him that those things should've gotten them all giggly with happiness, but those three apparently cared only for fighting and killing. With no fighting and no killing happening, they'd been pacing liked caged tigers, glaring at everyone and everything all the damn time, even each other.

Then, mere moments ago they'd apparently convinced themselves that some random old man that had given their whole group the stink eye for their mode of dress was a threat and lunged at him with intent to kill. His shouted command to stop had gone unheard and he'd been convinced that the geezer was done for.

Sanada could not in all honesty say that he was caught completely by surprise when the horned blond had appeared and killed them. He hadn't seemed like the type for half measures on their first meeting either.

What surprised him was the speed of his response. He'd only just barely lost control of them and now they were dead. Obviously Naruto had been expecting it to happen and had been watching for it.

"Hey there Sanada." Naruto greeted as if he hadn't just killed three of his Sekirei.

"You killed them." The biker responded numbly, still reeling from feeling the bonds break.

"Had to be done I'm afraid, they were beyond saving." The horned blond said unrepentantly.

"Did you even try?!" Sanada raged.

"I did." Naruto confirmed. "I failed. They've had this problem their entire lives and it was being fueled by their Sekirei core. The only way to fix it would be to completely wipe their minds and start over and even then it would probably happen again eventually. Better to just kill them than to try fixing them while turning them into blank slates over and over again."

Sanada deflated at the explanation, clearly seeing that he had tried. Turning them into mindless drones was no better than killing them, possibly even worse and he knew that they would have hated having that done to them.

His other three Sekirei came to stand beside him, which he knew was both a show of support and so that they could protect him in case things turned hostile. Not that he had any hope of them being able to win a confrontation with this particular threat.

Sekirei? Is that some new species of little sister? by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now