Chapter 12

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Miya was for a change not too irritated with Kazehana, as her visit was timed most fortuitously.

Usually, the Wind Sekirei annoyed her quite a bit with her constant drinking, immodest mode of dress and generally indecent behavior.

She sympathised with the wind user, she really did. Kazehana had not been fortunate in life, first because she had been one of those unlucky enough to be speed grown so that she could aid in the defense of Kamikura island so many years ago and then because her reaction had been rejected. The fact that she had reacted to a piece of slime like Minaka was irrelevant, the rejected reaction had damaged her either way. Though in that particular situation there had been no way for her to come out of it unscathed and being rejected had perhaps been the lesser of two evils.

Keeping all this in mind, Miya was pleased to see that Kazehana had somewhat shockingly reduced her drinking to levels that were actually tolerable. She was still dressed as immodestly as ever and seemed to take some kind of perverse delight over teasing poor Minato and even Homura with her gigantic chest, but she was willing to overlook that as long as it was kept within limits.

For a while anyway, then she would bring out the Hannya to restore order.

It had been instantly obvious that something had happened to get Kazehana in such a good mood and the Wind Sekirei had certainly not been shy about revealing it.

Apparently the very infuriating Uzumaki Naruto had gotten to her as well. How he managed to convince the extraordinarily romantic Kazehana that blocking her winging was a good thing and bedding her without engendering any resentment was a mystery to her. She well remembered how Kazehana had nearly killed the one other man she had slept with in a fit of fury, humiliation, confusion and half a dozen other feelings even if she herself was at least partly to blame for getting black out drunk in such a seedy area.

Kazehana's timing was fortuitous because Miya wanted to know more about the people she would be hosting in the near future.

Aside from knowing that Uzumaki was a shameless pervert, she knew only little. She knew that he was very powerful, highly perceptive and dangerously cunning. Miya was chagrined and rather disappointed with herself for not figuring out the last two of those sooner. Every single time that she received news of him, it had been accompanied by tales of how perverted he was and sometimes even a message from him that was clearly designed to provoke her.

And it had worked. She had been so busy being angry at him and plotting all the ways that she could get back at him during their inevitable meeting that she hadn't even properly considered that it might be exactly what he wanted. It had only been Homura's account of the horned man's sudden and extremely suspicious respectful attitude that had clued her in on the fact that he was playing games with her. She would be well on her guard when they met.

It disturbed her to think that this too might be exactly what he wanted.

Miya had found herself uncommonly impatient to speak to the Wind Sekirei in private. It had sorely tried her patience to simply wait and smile while her tenants were their usual lively selves and occupied Kazehana's time. It was an amusing sight, with Uzume ribbing the more mature Sekirei over the fact that she'd slept with Uzumaki, Musubi being her usual explosion of innocently curious enthusiasm, Matsu adding her own perversions into the mix and Homura's slight sulky demeanor because he hadn't gotten to kill Minaka.

Things finally calmed down after the evening meal as everyone slowly drifted off to their own rooms.

"What can you tell me about Uzumaki-san and his wife Kazehana?" Miya asked once they were alone.

Sekirei? Is that some new species of little sister? by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now