Chapter 7

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Akitsu blinked sleepily as she woke up. As was often the case these days, she'd passed out from exhaustion in the middle of having sex with Xanna and Naruto due to her inability to keep up with their energy. A quick examination of her body revealed that the bruises around her wrists and ankles from the manacles were healed, her nipples didn't feel sore from the clamps anymore and her rear end had long since stopped stinging from the paddling. The only discomfort came from the soreness between her legs and that was a good kind of discomfort.

The night had been lots of fun and Akitsu remembered how loudly they'd made her scream with considerable embarrassment.

She noted happily that she was pressed closely up against both of them, with her and Xanna laying on top of Naruto's wider body. The horned goddess was taking up more room, but Akitsu considered this to be perfectly normal and was more than happy with the position. Especially since Xanna also had an arm thrown over her.

Akitsu was aware that Naruto figured that she would eventually want more than this, that she would want someone to put her first, but he was wrong. She'd never trade what she had now in exchange for something else. True, neither one of them had the same depth of feeling for her as they did for each other, but she was valued and had a place to belong and that was all she'd ever wanted.

A light dusting of pink spread across her cheeks as she indulged in one of her little guilty pleasures, staring at them as they slept. She was fairly certain that Naruto would tease her if he found out she did this, but she knew enough about them by now to know that neither one would really mind.

Naruto was much the same in his sleep as he was awake, save for the lack of that irrepressible grin that adorned his face so often. Akitsu had always liked how that grin managed to be reassuring despite his otherwise threatening features, though it could just as easily project a terrible menace when he was angry, such as when Yashima's Ashikabi had attacked them.

Xanna was a bit different though. With her features slackened in sleep, she didn't exude the same sense of aloof superiority. But even in sleep, everything about her spoke of arrogant perfection, a physical beauty that passed beyond mortal ability to obtain. Akitsu had wondered about that for some time, having deduced that it simply wasn't possible that anyone could have been born with a body and face so perfect, but she hadn't dared ask. Xanna had noticed her curiosity anyway and explained proudly that she had made countless adjustments to her body over the centuries until she had perfected it.

Lightly running her hand along the smooth skin of the horned woman's back so as not to wake her, Akitsu had to agree that it was perfect. Naruto had long since noted that Sekirei were less fussed about gender than humans when it came to the choosing of partners, but Akitsu was a little bit different. Having despaired of ever having someone want her, she was entirely indifferent. Which naturally meant that having one of each and both of them of such impressive phsysical stature was as good as it got for her.

The blush on her face deepening, she indulged in another guilty pleasure.

" you."

The whisper was barely audible, as she didn't actually want them to hear her speaking the words to them, but she did want to say them. She knew that they didn't feel the same for her and didn't want to seem as if she was trying to wedge herself into their marriage, but she really did love them. Naruto had come get her off that cold bench and given her a home and Xanna had invited her to their bed. Sure it had come with the condition of being completely submissive, but that was exactly Akitsu's comfort zone anyway so she hadn't even registered it as being strange.

Maybe they would return her feelings one day, Akitsu was more than willing to wait for that to happen. And if it didn't happen, then that was fine too. She would still be able to love them and that was enough. Unlike many of her fellow Sekirei who had little choice in who they loved because of the winging that was so often forced on them or the reaction that Naruto had deduced was caused by MBI's meddling, her feelings were her own.

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