Part 16: "Please don't leave yet"

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Lexi's p.o.v:

"What happened Corbs?"

He shakes his head and I drop the subject, I'm definitely not going to make him speak about something that is obviously upsetting him quite a lot. I continue to rub his back and cradle him in my arms as he continues to cry into my shoulder.

I hear footsteps come closer to the door and luckily I'm facing it so when my parents appear in the door frame with extremely concerned facial expressions, I can lightly shake my head at them to signal they shouldn't get involved and that I've got this. They reluctantly leave and go downstairs while I continue to console Corbyn.

After a solid couple minutes of crying and back rubbing Corbyn and I ended up sitting on the bed.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask very softly, trying my best not to be too pushy.

He presses his head into my arm and takes a big breath.

"Hey, it's ok if you don't want to."

"She's gone." He whispers, the pain is so evident in his voice, it hurts my soul. Who is gone? Christina? "We're done."

Yeah I think it's Christina.

"Why? What happened?" I make sure to keep my voice soft and comforting so that I don't upset him any more than he already is.

He lifts his head and his eyes are so bloodshot from crying, it pulls at my heart to see him like this. It literally feels like my heart has been stabbed along with his.

He takes in another breath and begins talking, "She cheated on me... I jokingly told her that we fell asleep watching movies and she kept accusing me of cheating. I'd never do that to her or anyone else but the longer I denied it the angrier she got and then she finally burst and told me she cheated with her roommate’s brother." His last words were a bit muffled as he had started crying again but I still heard them and I still heard the sorrow.

I immediately pull him back into my arms and sway him back and forth. Even though Christina could a bitch, Corbyn really loved her and I can only imagine how much this has hurt him.

"I'm so sorry Corbs. I really am."

"It's fine, it's not your fault."

"Yeah but it was because of me that the argument started."

"Well that had nothing to do with her cheating, and I'd rather know and break up than continue with a one-sided relationship."

"Yeah I guess."

I rub comforting circles into his back while we continue to sway back and forth a bit, just to relax him and calm his feelings because if I were him, I'd be experiencing a lot of sadness, disappointment, anger and so any other emotions combined right now. Sometimes you just need to settle before you're able to think clearly.

I feel like he is a bit calmer now, so I'm going to try and get us some breakfast just so we don't starve.

I gently pull away from him telling him that, "I'm going to go get us some food." But instead of releasing his soft grip, he tightens it and pulls me closer.

"Please don't leave yet." He softly pleads.

"Ok, I won't leave." I reply, comfortably sitting back down and he puts his head in the crook of my neck. I run my fingers through his hair and we just sit there. Honestly now that I'm thinking about it a bit more clearly, I'm kinda glad they broke up. I'm in no way, shape or form happy that she cheated on him, but she was pretty toxic and very controlling. So now that he is free I feel like he can be more himself, more often and not just around me.

I'm still going to be here for him though, I'll still listen to anything and everything he has to say and I'll support his feelings 100%.

"Ok, I think you can go get some food now." Corbyn says relaxing his grip around me and sighing.

"I'll be back before you know it." I give him one quick squeeze before I get up and quickly go downstairs to get us some cereal. Lucky charms is 100% a sad times cereal that'll cheer you up, so is obviously the only option.


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