Part 24: Late night games

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Lexi's p.o.v:

Since Jasmine had lost that round we all handed our cards to her and she began shuffling them so she can deal them to each of us so we can start the next round.

Suddenly a very soft and kind voice arises behind me, "Hi, we heard you guys were playing spoons and we were wondering if we could maybe join you? If that's ok with you guys." I turn around and there are 3 people, one with mid-length blonde hair who was talking to us before, another one with longer ombre hair from dark brown to blonde and the last one has really short blonde hair that quite resembles Corbyn's hair cut.

All 4 of us smile at them and invite them in with open arms, "Sure! The more the merrier. Come sit!"

"Thanks, I'm Amber by the way." The one with the ombre hair introduces themselves, "She is Sophie," they gestures to the blonde girl,  "and he's Ben."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Lexi," I place my hand on my chest and smile a warn smile, "he is Corbyn," I move my hand over to his shoulder and pat it a couple times, "she is Jasmine and he is Riley." I gesture towards the two of them sitting in front of me.

"Nice to meet you guys." Sophie kindly says, she is definitely the softer, kind one of the group. Amber is giving off a slightly more masculine energy and Ben seems just normal, well maybe a little trouble maker.

"Are y'all siblings?" Riley asks the question I definitely also had in mind.

"Ben and I are but Amber isn't. She's my best friend." Sophie replies and the other two nod their heads in unison.

"Oh cool, now let's get playing!" Corbyn responds and Jamines starts dealing out the cards while I take 3 more spoons and put them in the middle.

"Good thinking on bringing the extra spoons Jas." I comment, she raises her eyebrows and smiles back at me.

Third person's p.o.v:

The new extended group goes on to play their second game of spoons, which turned into a third game, then a fourth, then a fifth and so on. They end up playing late into the night, every time someone would get out they'd run to their tent or caravan and bring a packet of something for them all to enjoy. They all bring everything from popcorn, to drinks, to chocolate and even candy.

Once everyone was about 4 or 5 beers in the games started to become a lot more intense.

"Oh come on! Where the last-" Riley begins to say while sitting behind Ben but Ben immediately elbows him in the stomach, stopping him from continuing.

"Don't fucken say what I need you dumbass! Then they'll keep it!"

"Oh yeah, sorry." Riley laughs to himself and Ben just rolls his eyes in response.

The people left in the game were Corbyn, Ben and Amber. Everyone else has gotten the whole word spoons and has teamed up with someone still in the running. Corbyn and Lexi teamed up while Jasmine, Amber and Sophie became a team and Ben and Riley are the last team.

Although it isn't really a team routed game, the drunk young adults have made it one. One person would pick up the cards and have the other one who is holding their cards look at it and decide whether or not they keep it. Cards have been thrown across the blanket, nearly landing in the fire that Amber has named Jonathan, no one knows why she decided a fire needs a name but regardless Jonathan has been kept alive and well by the group, no one will let him die out.

"I fucken swear if someone is keeping the card that I need I'm throwing hands!" Corbyn yells in frustration, earning a laugh from the others.

"Nah, I'll join you. We're so close to winning!" Just as Lexi says that she picks up the final ace the two of them needed, she shows it to Corbyn and the two of the pounce on one of those spoons so hard it was literally as if they were predators in the wild that hadn't eaten in weeks.

Amber is the first to notice the start of the pounce so she joins them, going after the only other spoon in the middle. Unfortunately this resulted in her and Lexi smashing their heads together.

The two girls' heads bounce apart from each other and they both go flying backwards. Laughing hysterically Lexi lands in Corbyn's lap and Amber lands in between Jasmine and Ben.

"You ok?" Corbyn asks laughing just as hard as everyone else. The bounce legitimately looked like two basketballs being thrown at each other.

"I'm fine." Lexi says, rubbing her head a little, but the alcohol and laughs have made it so that the pain isn't as bad as it normally would've been.

"Bro why's your head so fucken hard?" Amber questions also rubbing her head and laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh I don't know! Maybe because I have a skull!?" Lexi replies, still laying in Corbyn's lap.

"Aww y'all make such a cute couple." Sophie comments looking over at Lexi and Corbyn.

"Oh no, we aren't a couple." Corbyn says looking down at Lexi in his lap with a smile.

"Just best friends." Lexi looks up at Corbyn and squeezes his cheeks, moving them side to side. They smile at each other and Lexi brings her hand down but doesn't move her body from where it lays.

"Guys." Ben begins, "It's 12am."

The whole group's eyes widen and their jaws drop. All of them had thought it was only like 9:30pm, 10pm at the latest. They look around a notice all the caravan windows closed and all the lights off, the only light remaining was Jonathan, who was still going strong. The old couple who were complaining before had even moved their entire caravan. That takes a lot of effort and isn't very quite but the group was so invested in their game and having such a great time, they didn't even notice.

"Whoops." Sophie mutters, looking a little embarrassed.

"You know what, who cares? It's vacation, we can do what we want." Amber declares, still a little more conscious if the volume of her voice than before though.

"Exactly. We're having fun and we haven't been kicked out yet so how bad can it truly be?" Lexi adds on.

"Well considering all the people who had set up around us have moved, probably not the best." Corbyn comments. Lexi shifts the angle in which she was laying and looks up at his eyes, the stars and the flames dancing around in them similarly to the first late night taco bell run.

"Don't be buzz kill bone boy."

Corbyn doesn't respond but he shrugs his shoulders and tilts his head to the left. Lexi smiles shakes her head and shifts herself back to lay comfortably again.

"Fuck it, let's make the best out of it. Let's just bring our stuff out here and go to sleep when we get tired." Riley suggests.

"My family are all very deep sleepers so I could go and get my pillows and our extra blankets." Jasmine responds.

"Oh same. I'll go get Sophie's, Amber's and my pillows. Oh and our sleeping bags, mum and dad shouldn't be too fussed." Ben says.

"Yeah, Lexi and I have our stuff right over there in our tent." Corbyn adds, pointing his thumb in the direction of their tent.

"Well, then it's settled. We're all sleeping here tonight." Jasmine says getting all excited.

And just like that the group had split in the directions they can from and was getting everything they needed to camp outside of Lexi and Corbyn's tent. Luckily it is summer in Fairfax and they wouldn't freeze to death. 


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