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November 18th 7:45 am

        I am beyond pissed right now. First off, my girlfriend and I broke up last night, so I didn't sleep at all. Then, Starbucks took forever today. And, to top it all off, I spilled my coffee on myself (because some ladies are way too fucking hyper today) so I had to go home and change my clothes. Now I'm ten minutes late on my first fucking day.
        I took a deep breath as I turned down a familiar hallway and towards my English class I was teaching. I smiled at the lockers and the mysterious stains left in the carpet from kids spilling drinks. I haven't been here in four years, and it hasn't changed at all (not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing). I remembered my senior year. All the people have moved onto bigger and better things. Meanwhile I'm still here.
I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize I was outside of my classroom. I bit my lip lightly and entered the classroom. Mr. Corwin, the teacher who I was replacing, shot out of the classroom before I even got to say hi. Well, I guess I'm on my own.
        I walked to the front of the room and bit my lip lightly, letting my eyes scan the room. I remembered a lot of these people from my senior year. They were all scared little freshman and they didn't know what they were doing.
        I continued scanning the classroom until my eyes fell on someone sitting in the front corner near my desk. It took me a second to realize who it was. Veronica Lynn. She had the biggest crush on me four years ago. I bit my lip a little harder. She use to be awkward but now, she's fucking hot. Not even remotely kidding, she looks fucking hot. Like, I honestly wanna rip my pants off right now.
        But I can't. She's a student now. I have to keep my emotions bottled up. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm just looking for a rebound. I have no feelings for Veronica Lynn.  I have no feelings for Veronica Lynn.
        I bit my lip lightly, shaking the thought that I might actually be into Veronica Lynn out of my head and looking at the class. "Good morning class." I said, walking behind my desk and setting my bag and jacket by my chair. "How are you guys?" I smiled, trying not to look at Veronica.
        The class was pretty silent, except for a couple of girls in the back that use to flirt with me my senior year. "Good." They said in unison, waving at me flirtatiously and looking me up and down. Wow those girls are so annoying. What's the point of flirting with a teacher? I mean, it's fucking illegal after all.
        I bit my lip lightly, hesitating. I want them to know I'm just like them and they shouldn't be too worried about me being their teacher, but the only way I can think of making that message clear is by sitting close to Veronica.
        What am I thinking? You don't like Veronica. You'll be fine. I sat on the empty desk next to Veronica and began to speak, letting my eyes scan the classroom. "Okay, be honest here. How many of you hate writing prompts with a burning passion?" I asked, raising my hand up. "I know I do." A few scattered hands raised up, but the first was Veronica's.
        I smiled at the class. "Good. I'm glad we're on the same page." I said, looking around the classroom. "So, we all agree this is a prompt-free zone." I said, biting my lip lightly. "Well, Since this is your senior year," I said, standing up and heading to the front of the class. I grabbed a dry erase marker and played with it in my hands. "How about we make our assignments interesting?" I asked, scanning my eyes over everyone's faces and gaging their reaction. It looked like I had all the attention I could ask for.
        I smiled to myself some and continued. "I want you guys to write a novel." I said, uncapping my marker and twisting the cap in my hand. "It can be about anything you want. I'm not going to censor you." I said, looking at a few people who were perking up in their chairs. "Yes," I said, turning to the board. "I am allowing you to say some things that wouldn't be too school appropriate, but please, no smut." I said, beginning to write the assignment on the board.
        "Mr. Irwin." One of the flirts in the back said, causing me to glance back at her. "What is smut?" She said, biting her lip. I could tell she knew the answer, she just wanted me to say something.
        Lucky for me, I didn't have to because Veronica came to my rescue. "Smut is basically a sex scene, but written. You know, like 5o Shades of Gray." She said, glancing at the girl in the back.
        The girl gave her a I-Didn't-Ask-You look and looked back to her friends. "What she said." I said, pointing to Veronica and turning back to face the board. I continued to talk as I finished up writing the assignment. "Now, I want you guys to turn in the first chapter to me by this Friday." i said, turning around to face the class. A week should be enough to get one chapter done, right? "I don't want it being less than two pages guys, you're in high school. It shouldn't be too hard." I said, setting the marker down and looking around the room. "I'll try and see if i can get some computer lab time sometime this week so we can get started on typing it." i said, turning and walking to my desk. "You guys have the rest of the period to get a head start on everything. I don't care if you listen to music, just as long as no one else can hear it." I said, smiling to the class and biting my lip. "Questions?"
        Some students looked around the room, but no one replied. "Good." i smiled, sitting at my desk and logging in to take attendance. I heard some students whispering behind me, which i figured was totally normal. i bit my lip and looked back and forth from the computer screen to the classroom, seeing who was here and who wasn't.
        When i finished taking attendance, I turned around in my chair and watched as the class worked in silence. I saw some girls in the back whisper something, glance at me, and giggle. The ring leader raised her hand and smiled at me. I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah?"
        She smiled at me and tapped her pen on her desk. "Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Mr. Irwin. We haven't seen you since freshman year after all."
        Some of the girls surrounding her giggled lightly. I bit my lip, leaning back in my chair some and looked at the time. We didn't have very long, so I guess the kids deserve a break. "What do you wanna know?" I asked, running my hand through my hair and looking around the classroom.
        The girls exchanged looks and looked back at me. "How's your life been since high school?" The leader asked, biting her lip.
        I shrugged lightly. "It's been pretty great. I mean, I got what I wanted." i said, smiling lightly. "Plus I get to see some freshman I haven't seen in a while become seniors and graduate."
        She sat up in her chair some, like she couldn't wait to ask her next question. "Are you still with your high school sweetheart?" She asked, causing the girls around her to giggle.
        I bit my lip, pondering whether i should tell her or not. "No, we broke up a little while ago." I lied. I was so close to making it with she-who-won't-be-named, but she met someone else and dumped me. She knew how to make a guy feel like shit.
        "So, you're with another girl?" She asked, her and her friends giving me undivided attention.
        I shook my head. "Single pringle." I said, throwing up a peace sign just as the bell rang.
        She smiled widely. "Perfect." She said, the class grabbing their stuff and heading out. She was one of the first people to leave, followed behind her friends.
        I turned around and began to put some stuff into my desk, when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see Veronica looking up at me. "Whatcha need?" I asked, biting my lip and meeting her eyes.
        She smiled up at me and bit her lip. "Do we need to have a title for the story yet? I'm not the best with titles." She giggled lightly, which honestly was pretty adorable.
        I smiled at her and shook my head. "Nah, it's all good if you don't have a title yet. Just as long as it has a title by the time it's due, it'll be all good."
        She smiled up at me. "Thanks." She said, waving as she exited.
        I waved back at her and before I knew it, she was gone and my second period started filling in. And for some reason, I felt empty and alone inside, like someone just punched me in the face.

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